When someone buys into Affino, obviously they get an enormous feature and functionality set - that is a given - all wrapped up in an elegant streamlined, uniform solution. Way beyond the individual features though is a core ingrained value system which is key to the overall user experience. When we design and specify Affino we have the below core values in mind when shaping how useful the system really is.
Many a powerful system has been undone by its underlying complexity and unwieldiness. This is why we pay such special attention to how the day-to-day user experience is, and how easy it is to have oversight of everything and manage the daily tasks. Before any tiny functionality is released for consumption, it undergoes a rigorous testing process to ensure that it has been deployed in the most usable format possible. We tread a tight line in consolidating ultimate power with ultimate ease of use:
Affino facilitates many types of commercial website and covers the main mobile formats, meaning you can evolve your website in any direction and at any time
Affino is quick in so many different areas - from creating and re-organising designs and structure - through to the serving of extremely complex, multi-layered pages - which seamlessly combine editorial content with media, ecommerce and social interactivity
Affino features highly intuitive interfaces on both display-side and control-side - with everything in its proper place - for rapid access
The Scope and Scale and relative ease of use for such a powerful system allows all members of staff to take an active part in their company’s Affino website
Consistency of tasks and functions throughout the system means that all knowledge of the system, however small, can be re-applied to all the system’s different functions
Small teams, even individuals, can achieve sites of enormous scope and scale. Affino is set up to make a big impact and allow for rapid deployment of highly scalable projects
Simplicity and ease of finding content, media and settings throughout the system - this includes multiple routes to the same content, as everyone thinks differently
Google Meet and Zoom
Soho House, Soho Works +
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55 Bathurst Mews
London, UK
W2 2SB
© Affino 2024