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T85433 > Trustpilot (John)
Kevin Barrow
Created16 Oct 2023
John Dean
Last Reply16 Oct 2023
Kevin BarrowKevin Barrow
16 Oct 2023 11:15

Hi John,


I'm looking at integrating either trustpilot or and wondered if you had automated your trustpilot integration? And if so, if it was relatively straightforward.





John Dean
John Dean
16 Oct 2023 11:32

Hi Kevin,


Unsure if you are referring to me on this, but as we were using trustpilot and now running I assume you are.


With trustpilot we were using the bcc method, but the main issue with this was lack of metadata within the order confirmation. So where missing alot of info like name etc (which wasn't good)


Trustpilot was very expensive and so decided to move over to which was a lot cheaper.


I've come up with a good process whereby I use our ERP system (SQL based) and Microsoft Powerautomate to pull data from the journey planner (so orders are going out) every day and send via the API. Then once there we run a flow to trigger a review within x day and then a reminder after another x days if no review.


Hope this helps.



1 | 16 Oct 2023 11:32

Simon Hassell
Simon Hassell
16 Oct 2023 11:34

(How kind of you to respond so promptly, John. Thanks from me. Have a good week).

2 | 16 Oct 2023 11:34

Kevin Barrow
Kevin Barrow
16 Oct 2023 11:42

Thanks John, yes! sorry, I should have specified you.


Thanks so much for the reply, it's really appreciated and useful.


OK, so that makes sense get the customer list into and let them manage the review flow from there. I think I'll try and recreate that as a manual process at the outset before I get into APIs!

3 | 16 Oct 2023 11:42

John Dean
John Dean
16 Oct 2023 11:52



Yeah, could use the BCC on your order confirmation, but data will be limited (behind it) but will have the basics like email which is a start and makes it less manual.


But if you want down to product level for product review, that could be more tricky.



4 | 16 Oct 2023 11:52

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