Is anyone using Contact List Groups to do anything? I'm struggling to see what they achieve.
I hoped I could use a contact list group to send a message campaign to it. But the AI assistant told me this:
To send a message to a Contact List Group in Affino, you need to follow these steps:
Create a Message Campaign: Navigate to Control > Promote > Message Campaigns and create a new message campaign.
Select Contact Lists: In the message campaign settings, you can filter recipients by Contact Lists. Select the Contact Lists that belong to the Contact List Group you want to target.
Configure Message Details: Fill in the necessary details for the message, such as the sender, subject, and message content.
Send the Message: Once all settings are configured, send the message campaign.
Hi Kevin,
You can ask the AI Bot this question (Can I use a contact list group to send a message campaign to it?) again and also this one (What is the purpose of a Contact List Group?) and you will be provided with the pertinent information.
Thank you.
Kind regards,