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Marketing Services

Affino’s Native Marketing Services Elements - all seamlessly combined with smart automation and near real-time business intelligence insights

Affino Solutions - Marketing Services

Benefits & Features

  • Marketing Service margins and growth are only properly achieved by automating the delivery of the insight and leads as far as possible
  • Fully end-to-end service maximises the data captured and shared with the clients, delivering more leads, impressions, and engagement stats than any 3rd party data capture plugins.
  • The Client Campaign Dashboard allows Marketing Services Clients to fully track their own campaigns on-site in near-realtime, observe, learn and evolve them
  • The Added Transparency and Insight makes Clients more likely to invest in your brand, and improves customer satisfaction (less campaign performance dissonance)
  • The Productivity and Efficiency of the Marketing Services Personnel is massively ramped up via the automation and optimisation
  • Marketing Services Automation brings highly advanced capabilities and revenue-marking opportunities within the reach of even the smallest of publishing brands

Extensive Native Data empowered Business Intelligence with Smart Dashboards and near-realtime performance insights.

Marketin Serrvices - Sales Leads

10 Key Elements

These are the core solution areas within Affino's Marketing Services solutions - the fully seamlessly native and automated components which deliver essential business intelligence and insights to site owners and Clients alike :

  • Client Campaign Dashboard
  • Conversion Events
  • Contact Lists
  • Ad Campaigns
  • Message Campaigns
  • Permissions
  • Topics
  • Converting Articles Report
  • Lead Generation Profile
  • Sales Leaderboard
Marketing Services Affino Site References

Key References

Key Affino reference sites which best utilise Affino's Marketing Services and Client Campaign Dashboards :

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