Hi John,
Thank you for sharing your requirements.
I will set this on the backlog for the Product Team to review.
As soon as there's an update I will let you know.
Kind regards,
Hi JD,
A great deal of the challenge here comes from the payment gateway and what info / intel we get back from it.
Without that crucial part it is really hard to ID exactly what to communicate.
Also, the user might still be actively shopping in some way when the basket fails, and adding products back is more complex than it seams because they could have had a geo based product, or an active coupon or there may be inventory limits in play.
It's one of those scenarios where you don't just have to do one thing we would need to make a host of changes to address this effectively.
And then most payment gateways would not provide us with meaningful enough details to do a good job with it.
We will however be looking at our next round of ecommerce updates later this year and will see how best we can evolve this.
Stripe has just introduced an incredibly powerful new payment service with enhanced API which might allow us to do this well, but I'm aware that you are not yet on Stripe.
In any case we have looked at this a few times, and owing to some hard limitations on the payment provider api's we always backed away from it. We will evaluate things again this autumn.