This is a minor, but important, update for Affino. We have further refined the Messages Analytics, and a number of message related analysis screens, mainly by adding in the ability for you to switch between Bot Filtered and Identified message clicks on each screen.
Please note that Bot Filtered clicks now also include the identified ones as our most complete measure of the number of actual people viewing and clicking on messages. We have more work to do here, in particular on identifying when users are viewing and clicking through apps, but the great news is that we have the new engine in place which can be tuned and refined as these things evolve as they are doing now faster than ever.
A great quality of life improvement in this update is that we have included a Batch Reference filter on the User Export to make it easier to update users within each batch.
For those running subscriptions through a combination of Affino and Stripe there are a couple of important improvements here, so definitely update if you’re using Stripe.
There are also fixes for minor bugs that have been reported by our clients and through the monitoring of our error logs since the 9.0.5 major release, including fixing some extra padding that can be seen on some design elements.
For more details see the Affino Updates.
Please ensure you are on the latest 9.0.5 major version before upgrading, and if not, make sure you fully read the 9.0.5 release notes and schedule in the update as there are significant changes and infrastructure updates required alongside 9.0.5.
It is important to liaise with the support team to schedule an update window where they can be on hand to support the update.
It is essential that you run through the complete update process starting with the Affino Updater, followed by the sequence of the system and design updates laid out on the Control > Update screen.