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T90133 > Can you embed a Dynamic Form into an Article or Section?
25 Oct 2024 10:50

Social > Dynamic Forms


Embedding a Dynamic Form into an article or section is not straightforward since there is no Design Element available to display a Dynamic Form.Only Online Forms have a corresponding Design Element.


It is possible to add a custom Design Script in a cell below the Prime Content Design Element, but this would apply to every page or article using the related Skin, requiring additional filtering by Article ID or similar criteria. This approach is not considered straightforward and may not be ideal for all use cases.


For embedding a Dynamic Form on a site, a custom Design Script might be necessary. However, this would require technical expertise and might not be feasible for all users or scenarios.


Note: Dynamic Forms can be multi-displayed to another section of the same type by selecting the target section(s) from the "Multi Display" option on the Advanced panel of the Dynamic Form Edit screen.


In summary, while it is technically possible to embed a Dynamic Form using custom scripts, it is not a built-in feature and would require additional development work.

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