Control > Security > Account Import
Use the [_null_] placeholder in Update mode to remove values from the desired fields.
The placeholder is allowed on the following columns:
- ExternalAccountID
- ParentAccountCode
- ParentAccountName
- AssociatedAccountCode
- AssociatedAccountName
- CompanyNumber
- VATNumber
- Notes
- Topics
- AccountType
- Telephone
- Fax
- Email
- Website
- TwitterID
- FacebookPage
- LinkedInPage
- Address1
- Address2
- Address3
- TownCity
- CountyState
- PostcodeZipISOCode
- Country
- PublicName
- PublicTeaser
- PublicDescription
- AccountDirector
- AccountManager
- AccountTeam
- Industry
- CompanySize
- AnnualTurnOver
- Ownership
- AccountEmailDomains