Affino creates a new patch / update release circa every month or every other month. A patch release can vary enormously in size and complexity and contains a mix of fixes, enhancements and entirely new functionality or entire new elements even. For a sizeable release CEO Markus will post a Blog Update which details all the changes made and gives instructions about what considerations need to be made for the update.
When certain new functionality is launched, you may need an updated licence key to access said functionality, which means liaising with both technical and account management. And while most updates can be carried out be Clients we would advise you to arrange a slot in advance with your support contact, so that you know you have development resources on-call should anything go wrong in the update, or should you encounter issues with existing functionality.
Update Settings are found on the following control path:
Control > Settings > Update
[Affino Updater] - This button activates a further pop-up window which connects your server to the central Affino server to download the new patch release
[Release Notes] - This links through to the Affino Update History where you can read the latest release notes - Ensure you do this before updating. Note also that CEO Markus usually writes a blog post for the more significant releases
[System] - This updates / refreshes all the core system settings, and is required whenever new version has been uploaded
[Re-Initialize] - This re-starts all the core system services, and is required whenever new version has been uploaded
[Design Elements] - This refreshes all the menus, scripts and individual design components to latest versions
[Update all Classic Skins] - All active Classic Skins updated in one go
[Update all Skins] - All active Responsive Skins updated in one go
[Clear Guest Cache] - Refresh all pages for Guest Users - per Zone / All
[CDN Files - Version XXX] - For when you have issues with JS, CSS files and images, you can refresh / reset the CDN file cache by clicking on this button - note that this is resource intensive and will increase bandwidth charges if used frequently
[Google Sitemap] - Click to generate new Google Sitemaps for your site/s
[Streaming Media Sync] - Sync remote Media Host for streaming sources
[Regions and Cities] - Refresh the Regions and Cities lists used for the Address drop-down options
[Reset Scheduled Tasks] - Remove and re-create system Scheduled Tasks - this will usually resolve issues where a particular scheduled task is failing / has stalled, e.g. media asset generation
For most patch releases you will need to initiate the listed Update Settings in the following order:
Once you have done the main [Affino Updater] update:
NOTE - It is often required to log out and to clear your browser cache after you update to the latest Affino release
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© Affino 2024