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The Analysis Dashboard Guide



The Analysis Dashboard provides ample insights and key statistics regarding users, sessions, bounce rate, page views, etc.


Added to the above, the Analysis Dashboard displays valuable information on hourly/daily pageviews, mobile vs desktop users, new vs returning visitors, channel and article views together with the average time spent on those channels and articles.


Note: all of the charts and statistics will reflect what is set on the Date Range, minus the Hourly Page Views, Mobile vs Desktop Devices, Daily Page Views and New vs Returning Visitors graphs, these reflect the data within the past 60 days.


Analysis Dashboard Settings

Control > Settings > Analysis Dashboard Settings


  • Excluded Channels: Select the channels you wish to exclude from the dashboard (e.g. the Terms and Conditions channel)
  • Hourly Page Views (Days): Select which days to include/exclude for the Hourly Page Views average chart (e.g. you may wish to exclude weekends from the hourly average values)




The Analysis Dashboard can be segmented by different audiences.

You can create up to ten audience segments based on:

  • Member Type
  • Security Group
  • Interests (topics)
  • Contact List

Segments enable you to explore the CEO cohort, paying members, prospects, logged-in users, or any other segment on an ongoing basis.

If you have a multi-brand / multi-site setup you can segment the audience on each one of your Zones. The data is stored on your local Affino instance for 30 days, during which the data is aggregated and fed to Affino’s data cloud, meaning that there is no additional investment required for your segmented audience data.



Use the dropdown menu next to the zone selector to segment the data by users within a contact list, security group, member type or interest topic:

Note: when segmenting the audience, we recommend that you run with up to eight audience segments per Zone, and leave two segments for exploring the audience behaviour, something which can be done at any time for up to 30 days.

This is because when you set up a segment Affino is able to build up a behavioural profile of the last 30 days of any segment in your audience for whom you have been capturing data. 

It also means that from the moment you set up a new segment you quickly have solid insight into their behaviour (note it will take up to 24 hours to process the data for your dashboard for each new segment).

It is important also to note that if you do delete a segment, that data will no longer be accessible and you will lose access to it, so think twice before you remove a segment which you have set up.


Segments Settings

Control > Structure > Zones > (Edit) > Analysis Dashboard Segments



The Analysis Dashboard Segments settings apply to each zone.


These determine the segments available on the Analysis Dashboard.


Select the key audiences you wish to segment on the Analysis Dashboard by:

  • Contact List
  • Member Type
  • Security Group
  • Interest (topic)

These will be made available as a drop-down filter at the top of the Analysis Dashboard screen, and when selected will display targeted analytics for each segment.


You can add up to 10 rows/segments which can be manually sorted.



Depending on the selected segment type, the choices available to you on the Segments field will vary (i.e. if you select Contact List, the pop-up will only display contact lists; if you select member Type, the pop-up will only display the available member types; etc).


Note: you will be able to see 30 days of segmented data from the creation of the segment


Also, if you have changed a segment, then the previous data series will only be updated for the previous 30 days, whilst the newly captured data will take on board the updated setting (not retroactive).


Note: the Analysis Dashboard only supports Segments for Registered users.


It does not support system users, like the Guest user.


Date Range


Use the Date Range filter to have the results displayed depending on your selection.


Choices are:

  • Past 7 Days
  • Past 30 Days
  • Past 60 Days
  • Custom

Note: Please bear in mind that date ranges are a major factor.


Affino only keeps the top 100 channels and articles per day for the dashboard, so if the channel or article is not in the top 100 each day then it might not appear.


Dark Mode and Print options

Clicking on the Dark Mode button will darken the colour of the screen:



Clicking on the Print button will display a pop-up window with the various print options:



Main Chart

The main chart has two dropdowns:



A Zone selector:



And a chart selector, which focuses on the desired data (users, sessions,  page view, etc):


Chart options:

  • Users: the amount of user visits per zone per day
  • New Users: the number of new users per zone per day (Affino checks if the user visited in the previous 29 days and if he did not, he is a new user)
  • Returning Users: the number of returning users per zone per day (Affino checks if the user visited in the previous 29 days and if he did, he is a returning user)
  • Sessions: the number of sessions per zone per day (a new session occurs after a period of inactivity, it also happens at midnight i.e. a user logs in at 11:59pm and leaves at 12:01am, that counts as 2 sessions)
  • Avg Session Duration: the average session duration per zone per day (the session duration is set to 30 mins. For 1 page view, the session duration is set to 10 seconds)
  • Bounce Rate: the bounce rate per zone per day
  • Page Views: the number of page views per zone per day
  • Pages per Session: the average page views per session per zone per day
  • Registration on Gate 1: the number of registrations linked from the metering page, per zone per day


Key Statistics


Imporant: the figures will reflect the selected Timeframe/Date Range

  • User Visits: the total amount of daily unique users
  • New User Visits: the total amount of newly registered users
  • Sessions: the total amount of unique user sessions (note: a user can have multiple sessions, the total is taken into account)
  • Avg. Session Duration for each user
  • Bounce Rate: the percentage of user sessions which only have 1-page view (i.e the user dos not go on to click on any other content, during that session)
  • Page Views: the total amount of page views 
  • Pages per (/) Sessions: the average amount of page views per session
  • Reg on Gate 1: the total amount of registrations that have resulted from users clicking through from the Level 1 metering message (see Metering Gate > Metering Level) on an article


Page Views, Devices and Visitor charts

Hourly Page Views: a 24 hour timeline, showing the average views per hour over the span of data available (up to 63 days).


The comparison is between the average data within the past 63 days VS the hourly values for TODAY.



Mobile vs Desktop Devices: a comparison of the amount of visits by Mobile and Desktop users:



Daily Pageviews: Shows 7 days, with the average views per day over the span of data available (up to 60 days).



New vs Returning Visitors:




Top Channels and Top Articles



Show Entries: choose how many records you wish to see on the listing.



Search: use this field to find specific channels or articles.



Page Numbers: click on the Previous, a number or the Next option to see another set of results.



You can also click on each header (i.e. Channel Views) to order the results.


Top Channels listing:



Top Articles listing:





Affino takes into account the top 100 Channels and Articles:

  • per Zone
  • per Day
  • and averaged over the selected Timeframe/Daterange

- and displays the views, unique views, avg time on page, entrances and exits percentage for the past 63 days.



  • An article has accumulated 10,000 views on one day
  • Another article is accumulating 1000 views per day

If you search for the last 20 days, the second article (now with 20,000 views) will appear on the dashboard stats, overtaking the first (which only has 10,000 views).


Also note:


* Entrances are the amount of sessions started on a particular Channel or Article.




The "QA8 Home" channel has 320 views, and from those, 82 were users that started their session from that channel.



* An Exit percentage is the percentage of users that have exited from that Channel


Retention of Data


The Analysis Dashboard retains the following stats for a limited amount of time:


StatisticAmountTime Period
Page Views25Months
Unique Users25Months
Returning Users25Months
New Users25Months
Average Session Duration25Months
Average Pages Per Session25Months
Mobile VS Desktop Devices63Days
Hourly Page Views63Days
Top Articles63Days
Top Channels63Days






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