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Sales Targets Guide




Control > Commerce > Sales Targets


The Sales Target functionality helps to set targets against editions, sales teams, individual (or multiple grouped) and catalogue items (subscriptions, events, etc) of any kind.


The listing screen displays all the active targets together with headline performance stats).


The detail screen shows where you are in the current timeline, what sales have been made against any given target (and the status of those sales) and where you currently are on the curve.


Sales Targets are an important tool for motivating teams and providing quick visual references of where they are in any given campaign.

Creating a Sales Target

Control > Commerce > Sales Targets > (Add/Edit)


In order to set up your key Sales Targets for reporting, you must first create your sales targets.


Main Panel:

  • Name: enter the name that you wish to call this Sales Target
  • Description: enter a description for this Sales Target (only for internal use)
  • Start Date select the Start Date for this target
  • End Date: select the End Date for this target
  • Sales Team: select the relevant Sales Team working on this Sales Target
  • Total Target Amount: enter the Total Target Amount for this Sales Target
  • Currency: select the currency for this Sales Target
  • Archive: tick this box to archive this target
  • Include Unpaid Orders: select to include Unpaid Orders to the Sales Target

Products Panel:

  • Product Line: select the Product Lines that you wish to report on
  • Product Category: select the Product Categories that you wish to report on
  • Catalogue Item: select the Catalogue Items that you wish to report on
  • Edition: select the Editions that you wish to report on
  • Subscription Plan: select the Subscription Plans that you wish to report on

Please remember that you are only allowed to use one of the following:

Product Lines, Product Categories, Catalogue Items, Editions or Subscription Plans.


Stages Panel:


Use the Stages panel to add a matrix(s) with the following columns:

  • Name
  • End Date
  • Amount
  • Percentage


  • For Stages:
    • you can only use either Amount or Percentage, not both
    • the Amount cannot overlap with the Total Amount for the Sales Target
    • percentages should sum up to 100%
    • dates should be within the date range set on the overall Sales Target
    • dates should not overlap each other. They need to end, as a minimum, the day before the next Stage starts so that Affino can calculate the amount up to midnight for each Stage sale
    • a maximum of 12 Stages can be entered


Sales Target Detail


Control > Commerce > Sales Targets > Sales Target Detail


The Sales Target Detail screen is the area where the Admin and the Sales Team can see how the Sales Target is performing visually, including the target sales and the current sales line charts for benchmarks.


Main Panel


  • Name of the Sales Target
  • Running Total (%): Sales made from the Start and End date set for this sales target
  • Total Target set
  • From: Start date set for this Sales Target
  • End: End date set for this Sales Target
  • Sales Team: Will be displayed if selected on this Sales Target


Stages Panel


  • The stages matrix set in the Add sales target screen


Amount Completion and Performance Charts


  • Vertical Amount Completion: this chart reflects the percentage completion based on the sales done for the Product Line, Catalogue Items, Editions or Subscription plan selected.
    • The blue vertical line reflects the Target set by the admin or team leader
    • The green bar chart indicates the current sales completion, giving you a visual reference and allow the team to benchmark on how their sales are doing against the target
  • Performance Chart: this chart reflects the Stages set up and current performance.
    • The blue line chart reflects the target broken down in stages set for this target.
    • The green line chart reflect the current performance for each stage and gives a visual reference and allow the team to benchmark on how their sales are doing against each stage target

Order Listing Table



The listing displays the orders (which includes the catalogue items) associated with the sale within the target timeframe.



  • Customer (Contact)
  • Account
  • Order No
  • Catalogue Item
  • Edition (if no edition is associated to the order, this value will be absent)
  • Order Owner
  • Total
  • Date


Sales Target Listing

Control > Commerce > Sales Targets


The listing screen lists out the current levels for each active Sales Target.

The admin user can search and refine the results using filters.

Use this screen to easily scan current Sales Targets.


Search Filters:


  • Name: searches against the name of Sales Targets
  • Active: when selected, it shows targets within the current timeframe (i.e. based on Start and End dates)
  • Product Line: lists available Product Lines
  • Product Category: lists available Product Categories
  • Catalogue Item: lists available Catalogue Items
  • Editions: lists available Editions
  • Subscription Plan: list available Subscription Plans
  • Sales Target Date: (From)
  • Sales Target Date: (To)
  • Sales Team: lists out Sales Team
  • Archived: shows archived Sales Targets when selected
  • Creator: predictive contact search





The listing displays the current sales targets, together with pertinent information for each.


Most notably, each sales target displays its Running Total and Percentage of Completion ( amongst other data points).



  • View Dashboard: links to the Sales Target Detail (dashboard)
  • Name
  • Product Line: (if set, links to the Product Line)
  • Product Category: (if set, links to the Product Category)
  • Catalogue Item: (if set, links to the Catalogue Item/s)
  • Edition: (if set, links to the Edition)
  • Subscription Plan: (if set, links to the Subscription Plan)
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Running Total
  • Percentage Complete: (this will reflect the value in traffic light indicator to let you know whether you are below, close or over the target)
  • Sales Team: (if set, links to the Sales Team)
  • Created
  • Last Updated

Using the Action dropdown, you can Copy, Archive or Delete the Sales Target.


Note: you can only delete a sales target if there are no orders against it.


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