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Attendee Import Guide




The Attendees Import allows you to easily assign attendees against an order as well as non-paying attendees and those that have been created externally.


This is useful for attendees which are given free passes (e.g. speakers, sponsors or other special guests) and those signed up on a different event platform to be associated with the same event source within Affino, i.e. the same catalogue item.


Note: make sure to click on Help and download the latest sample XLSX file as this will display the column headings and format needed.


Import Screen

Social > Attendee Import






  • Select the XLSX to upload.
  • Please be aware that the file size limit is 100MB
  • Always refer to the Sample File in order to use the correct columns (new columns will be added as the functionality evolves)

Batch Reference

  • Enter a unique reference for your import
  • This is your reference so you can delete the batch of Articles or upload more Articles to the batch


Spreadsheet columns

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email
  • JobTitle
  • CompanyName
  • BusinessPhone
  • MobilePhone
  • SpecialDietaryNeeds
  • DisabilityRequirements
  • CustomLabel1
  • CustomField1
  • CustomLabel2
  • CustomField2
  • CustomLabel3
  • CustomField3
  • AttendeeNotes
  • CatalogueItem
  • CatalogueID
  • OrderNumber
  • AttendeeType

Note: the FirstName, LastName, Email and Attendee Type column is required


Enter one of the four options to identify the type of attendee

  • Paying
  • NonPaying
  • ExternalPaying
  • ExternalNonPaying

Please be aware that Paying attendees must be assigned to an OrderNumber and NonPaying attendees must be assigned to a CatalogueID or CatalogueItem.


Note: Paying attendee refers to an attendee to be associated with an Affino Order and therefore must have an Order Number.


Import Rules


  • The import only runs in Add Mode with Batch Delete, there is no Update mode
  • The import will associate an existing contact to the catalogue item/order. An Attendee will be created if the contact does not exist
  • A contact record is not created when importing attendees who do not exist in the CRM.. You can create the contact beforehand or use the Create Contact function on the Attendees screen
  • An order number must exist if you set the AttendeeType to “Paying”. The CatalogueID or CatalogueItem is also required if there are multiple order line items so Affino can identify which order line to associate the attendee.
  • If there are multiple order line items that are the same, the first one in the list with available seats will be assigned
  • If there is only one line item, the attendee will be assigned to that order if there are available seats
  • You cannot assign an attendee if there are no matching order line items (i.e. the catalogue item has not been set up with attendees)
  • You cannot assign an attendee if there are no more seats available, if the maximum number of attendees has been assigned to the order line item then the attendee will not been assigned
  • Custom label values (in the spreadsheet) must match those entered on the Catalogue Item, if not, the import will not occur


Attendee Batch Delete

Social > Attendee Batch Delete


The Attendee Batch Delete allows you to delete a specified batch of imported attendees by its batch reference.


Each time you perform an Attendee Import a Batch Reference is required.


Note: the use of this screen requires the “Order Import” System Security Right


Manually Add Attendees

Social > Attendees > Add 


You can manually add attendees via the Add button on the Attendees screen.


Main Panel:

  • Catalogue Item: Select the Catalogue Item (Event) to assign this attendee. This can be used for Non-paying attendees or external attendees where there is no associated Order Number
  • Order Line Item: Select the order number to assign this attendee to. Please ensure there are available seats on this order
  • Attendee Type: Select the type of Attendee, whether paying or non-paying

Attendee Panel (fields):

  • Attendee Contact    
  • First Name    
  • Last Name    
  • Email    
  • Job Title    
  • Company    
  • Business Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Special Dietary Needs
  • Disability Requirements
  • Custom 1
  • Custom 2
  • Custom 3    
  • Attendee Notes

Creation Rules:

  • The attendee First Name, Last Name and Email are required fields
  • If the Attendee Type is “Paying” then an existing Order Number must be assigned to the attendee
  • You cannot assign an attendee if there are no more seats available, you will need to select a different Order / Line Item if the maximum number of attendees has already been assigned
  • The values from Custom Labels 1 to 3 will be appended from the selected catalogue item

Note: You can also delete an attendee on the Edit Attendee screen, this will return the seat to the order if one exists.


Attendees button on Catalogue Items

Commerce > Catalogue Items > (Add/Edit) > Attendee Details > Attendees


If there are attendees associated to a Catalogue Item the Attendee Details panel will display a button that links to the Attendees screen, listing all paying and non-paying attendees.



Note: if the “Capture Attendee Details” field is empty the button will not be displayed


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