The new Awards Management system ties directly into Affino Events, so you can sell awards entries, capture delegates, manage your award and facilitate the judging all entirely through the awards channel.
The CRM is tightly integrated with all aspects of the sales, delegates, entries and judging.
This guide provides an overview of the steps needed to configure the Awards Management.
You will need to:
Note that there is plenty of on-screen help when managing any of these elements so make sure you have both the introductory help panel expanded and turn on the help when editing any of the items.
You will first need to create an Advanced Event article.
This provides unlimited flexibility to showcase your award event, e.g. agenda, previous attendees / winners, programme downloads, contact information, etc. It also has built-in eCommerce capabilities so you can charge a fee for each award entry.
Create Event Article
Create a new Article in your event Section for the Award, the Advanced Event Presentation Style should be selected.
The template allows you to add an Overview, Speakers, Sponsors and any number of custom tabs.
For an Award, you may wish to rename Speakers to Judges via the Text Item.
To configure the Advanced Event article, there is a comprehensive guide here:
There are other standard settings not mentioned in the guide. There is plenty of on-screen help when managing any of these elements so make sure you have both the introductory help panel expanded and turn on the help when editing any of the items.
The Award Profile serves to add categories, default text information, document upload options and to configure the profile itself.
Provide the following information (note that all entry fields with an asterix are obligatory):
Main Panel
If Payment After Submission is selected, the customer will be able to select multiple entries to purchase once they have submitted the entries.
If Payment After Submission is selected, customers will not see the Buy button on the award (event) article.
Note: The catalogue item associated to the award (event) article is used for this purchase process.
Note: Ensure the Entries Open Date is a date/time in the future. If you set this to a date/time in the past, the Awards will not pick up the Open stage. Should you wish to re-open an award entry, set the Entries Open date and subsequent stages to be a date/time in the future.
Introduction Panel
Judging Criteria
Categories Panel
For each category, add the following details:
You can add more rows for further categories and move the categories up and down the order using the row up/down arrows.
Note: You will be adding criteria for each category at the next step
Details Panel
Category Entry Panel
Confirmation Panel
Acknowledgement Panel
Payment Panel
Notifications Panel
Stage / Judging Panel
Note: if neither the "Show Nominator/Nominee" and "Show Company/Team/Individual Name" settings are enabled on the Awards Profile then only the Reference number will be displayed, this is for the entries to be anonymised.
Publication Panel
Text Items Panel
You can alter the default text items as desired, either from this screen or the App Bar.
Awards Criteria
Now that you have set the screen information, the award categories and judging notification, you can move onto setting up the questions for each category.
To do this, go to the Award Profile again and scroll down to the bottom, you will see the Awards Criteria function:
Click the green Add button and fill in the form details:
Judging Panel
Note: you can create as many criteria as required for each category. Also, the Entrants Only and Judges Only options cannot be selected at the same time.
Once you have completed the Awards Profile setup you can view your Channel and see the entry screens.
You can copy or remove these criteria by selecting the Action checkbox and choosing Remove or Copy Action:
The Awards Entry process is linked to Ecommerce (Checkout) via the Payment Stage.
For this, we have two options:
Note: If "Payment After Submission" is selected, customers will be able to purchase multiple award entries.
Also, if either of those payment options are selected, customers will not see the Buy button on the Award (Event) article.
The catalogue item associated with the Award Article is used for this purchase process.
If you select Payment After Submission, the Award Entry purchase process will be as follows:
1.- Select the Category
2.- Fill out the Entry Criteria
3.- Confirm and submit the entry details
4.- After the entry has been submitted, the Pay Now button is displayed:
5.- Clicking on the Pay Now button takes you to the Add to Basket screen:
6.- Clicking on the Add to Basket button will take you directly to the Basket for checkout:
7.- After payment has taken place you will be directed to the order confirmation page:
If you select Payment On Submission, the Award Entry purchase process will be as follows:
1.- Select the Category
2.- Fill out the Entry Criteria
3.- Confirm, pay and submit the entry details
4.- After clicking on the Pay and Submit button you are taken to the Basket:
5.- After payment has taken place you will be directed to the order confirmation page:
Users who dont need to submit an awards entry can purchase a ticket to the event using several means, the options are as follows:
Option 1.- Point users to other catalogue items/products
Hide the "Add to Basket" button on the Event article by enabling either the Payment On Submission
Payment After Submission" options on the Awards Profile. After that, create a section for your Custom Tabs.
Those custom tabs (which are articles coming from the selected setcion) can point to product articles (which are associated to catalogue items) which sell individual and group tickets.
Example custom tabs:
By doing the above, users can opt to purchase tickets for the event, without the need to submit an awards entry.
Option 2.- Users can purchase a ticket directly from the Event article
Users can purchase a ticket to the event by adding the item to their basket just like any other product.
Make sure to disable the "Payment On Submission" or "Payment After Submission" options on the Awards Profile so that the "Add to Basket" button is present the Event article.
Control > Structure > Channels > (Add) > Award Entry
Go to Channels, create a Channel of Award Entry Type:
This will be where your award system is displayed.
Provide the following information:
Note: The Skin must contain the Smart Prime Content Design Element.
Once the Award judging is set to open on the Awards Profile, an email notification will be sent to the judges requesting they start the judging process.
Within the email there will be a link to their judge space where they will see the categories they are judging.
They will be required to enter their scores and comments before submitting them.
Note: Judges can save each entry's score/comments and need to have completed all entries before submitting their results.
The lead judge for that category can cast their own comment and close the category.
Note: No notification is sent to the Lead judge
Downloading Entries
It is possible for Judges to export the award entries, scoring and comments.
In order to enable this option you will need to tick the "Export Judging Entries" setting on the Awards Profile.
Note: Any media files will only display the file path so they will need to be logged into their judging area to download them.
Once enabled, an Export function will be displayed for judges to download entries.
Please be aware that the export function checks each Awards Criteria.
This means that if the "Entrants Only" setting is enabled (n/a) will be displayed in the column value (of the XLSX file) instead of the actual value
This is also true for the "Hide Nominator/Nominee and Company/Team/Individual Name" setting.
Awards Management
Control > Social > Awards Management
The Control side component, Awards Management allows you to search, filter and view Awards Entries.
Here you will be able to quickly access entries, see which categories have been entered and how many entries, see who the judges are and at what stage the Award is set at.
First select the Award Profile you wish to view from the filters.
You will then be presented with the entries per category for that Award.
Click on the [v] to view the category entries.
Award Entries
Control > Social > Award Entries
There are a number of actions that you can perform on each entry by selecting the Action checkbox and the one of the options at the bottom of the list
Note: You can only move entries to a different category where the criterion fields types match exactly. You will also need to ensure the Award Stage is Entries Closed as you cannot move entries once the Judging is in progress, i.e. the move option will not be available if the Award Stage is Entries Open, Judging Open or Judging Closed.
Award Entries Export
It is posible to download the award entry data via the "Export" button.
Awards Entry
Control > Social > Award Entries > Award Entry
Click on each entry to view the entry details and the judge's comments:
Editing an Entry
Administrators (which are set on the Notifications panel on the Award Profile) are able to edit the entry and update it within the Control Centre.
Related Conversion Events
Control > Promote > Conversion Events > (Add/Edit) > Trigger Event: Awards Entry
For each stage of the Award entry, you can track whether a user has visited that screen by creating an Awards Entry Conversion Event:
Create a Conversion Event and fill in the following information:
Awards Analysis
Control > Analyse > Awards Analysis
This screen aids in the analysis of the potential entrants.
It lists all prospects that have clicked a category (multiple clicks of the same category will display multiple rows).
Awards Media Export
Control > Social > Awards Media Export
This screen allows you to export all media files uploaded by entrants.
Select the Awards Profile and Category for which you wish to export media files from entries and save.
Once the Awards Profile is selected a second dropdown is displayed, listing the category for that Profile.
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