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HR Guide - Timesheets


Part of the HR suite within Affino is the Timesheet component. This allows your staff to record time spent against an Account and Project on chargeable and also nonchargeable activities


This guide provides an overview of the steps needed to configure the Timesheet component for your company. It covers the following areas:

  • System Security Rights
  • Content Security Rights
  • Channels / Skins / Design Objects
  • Topic Lists
  • HR Profiles
  • Zones
  • Contacts
  • Access Timesheets
  • Manage and Search Timesheets
  • Export Timesheets


Note that there is plenty of on-screen help when managing any of these elements so make sure you have both the introductory help panel expanded and turn on the help when editing any of the items.

System Security Rights

Firstly, the HR suite is secured under a HR Administration system security right so you'll need to grant this System Security Right to yourself and any HR administrators via a Security group or to individuals via Personal Security.




Go to Users Security, select a Contact and assign the HR Administration Personal Security Right to this person or...


Go to Security Groups, choose a group and add the HR Administration to this group


Don't forget to log out and back in in order to gain this security right



Note: This system security right is only required for Managers and HR administrators and not required by the rest of the staff entering timesheets.

Content Security Rights

You'll be setting up a HR Channel shortly and will require a Content Security Right for your staff to access this Channel.




Create a Content Security Right for users to be able to access and fill in timesheets, e.g. HR Content Security Right

Channels / Skins / Design Objects

In order to access the HR suite, you'll need to create a HR Channel and Responsive Skin with Prime Content area.




Create a Skin, a simple, generic one will do. It must have a Prime Content Design Element on it, preferably set at 100% width.


Create a Channel of HR channel type, assign the above Skin and previously created Content Security Right. Select the 3 Hide options, Hidden, Hide From Site Search, Hide From Search Engines on the Channel.

Topic Lists

The chargeable and nonchargeable activities are selected via Topic Lists.




You will need to create two topic lists: Chargeable and Nonchargeable


You might want these under a Timesheet parent topic so your topic list may look something like:


Default Topic Lists

  • Timesheets
    • Chargeable
      • Client Meeting
      • Project Management
      • Server Administration
      • Web Design
      • Web Development
    • Nonchargeable
      • General Admin
      • Requirements Gathering
      • Specification Writing
      • Internal Meeting


Note: You could also use the Topic Import to create this structure

HR Profiles

This is the place to configure your Timesheet component for your company




Under Security, you should see HR Profiles. If you do not see this and have the correct system security, HR Administration, try logging out and back in and then refresh the left hand navigation (bottom left, there is a refresh icon)


Add a HR Profile


Name [Enter a name for this profile]


Introduction [This introductory text is displayed to staff on the main HR channel once staff have logged in]


HR Options [This allows you to display the components you wish to enable within the HR Suite. Please note only Timesheets is available in the current release]


Time Period [This allows you to record timesheets by the hour, day or a period (3 periods a day). This will depend on your business requirements]


Working Days [Select the days for your working week. The days selected here will display on the timesheet and allow you to navigate through week by week]


Timesheet Administrators [Select the Contacts who can access and update other user's timesheets. These might be HR administrators or senior staff for example.]


Help Information [Displayed on the bottom right of the timesheet, provide guidance to your staff on how to use this component]




Once the HR Profile is created and configured, you'll need to tie this to the zone.




Scroll down to the Profiles panel under Zones


Select the HR Profile created


For each Contact there is a HR Panel, update the following information for your staff


  • Commenced Date
  • Primary Line Manager
  • Secondary Line Manager
  • Holiday Entitlement

Commenced Date is displayed throughout the HR Components


The Primary and Secondary Line Managers receive notifications and can administer of Timesheets, Absence forms, Skills Matrix and other HR functions


Holiday Entitlement is used in the Absence component to override the default Entitlement set in the HR Profile

Access Timesheets

Display Side


Staff who have the assigned content security right should be able to access the HR channel created





Control Side

Line managers and HR Administrators who have the correct System Security Right should be able to access a contact record and see an additional HR tab which details the current week's timesheets entered by each staff member



Manage and Search Timesheets

To manage and search for time allocated against Accounts, projects and staff members, go to the HR Timesheets component


You can filter time allocations by the following criteria:


  • Contact
  • Account
  • Project
  • Start Date
  • End Date

This will filter results by per row entered.


Export Timesheets

Each timesheet can be exported to a CSV file. You can also export by


  • Contact
  • Account
  • Project
  • Start Date
  • End Date

Simply go to HR Timesheets, filter by your required criteria and click the Export button

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