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Importing and Exporting Accounts & Contacts



A quick guide on how to import, update and delete Accounts (Companies) and Users (Contacts) in Affino.  You can also export your Accounts and Users although these are normally limited to your Security Administrator to protect Company data. 


Before you start - useful tips

Affino imports


You will need to use the standard Affino import templates which are found in the Help text next to the Import Menu.   Always download the template when you are preparing an import file as it may have changed since you last saved the file locally.  (for example adding a new column to support a new field in the Database).


Import files can be up to 100mb in size and use Excel.


Import files which are less than 100 lines are imported immediately and you will see an on-screen message 'the update was a success'.


Import files which are less than 100 lines with errors, will pop up on your screen immediately, allowing you to fix the errors and resubmit the import run.  If the file is larger, you will see an on-screen message 'The import has been scheduled and you will be emailed when it is complete'.


The email will contain an itemised list per row, of any errors encountered, with help messages.


Important - the column titles in the import file cannot contain any spaces.  It is not necessary to edit the row containing the columns (these are the actual table names in the Affino Database).


Import files need to be 'tagged' with an import batch reference.  This makes it easy to remove or update certain records specifically imported on a particular batch.


Affino exports


If the file size is less than 100 records the export file will be generated and downloaded via your browser.  If the file size is greater, you will see an on-screen message 'The export has been scheduled and you will be emailed when it is complete.  The email will have a link to the file in Affino.


Import and Export filters


There are a number of different filters which you can apply when importing and exporting, it is useful to read up on these to be sure you have selected the rights ones, if any.


Add, update and delete mode


The imports can be run in three modes.




This will insert the record to Affino and generate the unique Account or User code. 




Update allows you to replace the information stored against the User, for example if you wished to add additional topics, keywords or CRM topics you would need to export the user and add them alongside the existing values in the file.




When you wish to delete records from Affino, you will need to know the batch number which you used to import them.  It's useful to save your imports using the batch number as part of the file name for any future deletions or updates as this is a required field on the import screens.


Clearing and cleansing Account data


If you wish to delete individual values (i.e. AccountManager), you can use the [_null_] placeholder on each cell so as to wipe the data on that individual record.



How to link Contacts to Accounts


1.  Import the Accounts.


2.  Export the Accounts (to obtain the unique Affino Account Code).


3.  Add the Account Code into the User Import file by assigning the correct code to each User.


4.  Run the User Import.  




If the Users have already been imported and you are simply assigning them to the correct Account (via the Account code), run the User Import in 'update' mode.

Account Import

Importing new Accounts to Affino.  Also used to update or delete Accounts previously imported.


You will need to download a copy of the current  import template.  To do this go to:


Social > CRM > Account Import


Click on the blue Help button and download a full sample XLS file for a Full Account Import.


To update existing Accounts with Keywords only download the sample Account Keyword XLS file. 

Import Type - Select the type of import. Full Account or Account Keywords


Action - Select the type of action that you would like to make. Add, Update or Delete.


Duplicate Checking - When importing new Accounts (Checking only works with the Add import) Affino will default check for duplicate Account Names, if you don't want to check for Account names for example when you have many names the same then select the Don't Check option. If you want to check on Account Names and Addresses select the No Duplicate Name / Address option to ensure you're not importing duplicate branches / subsidiaries.


Batch Reference - Enter a batch reference. This is your reference so you can delete the batch of Accounts or upload more Accounts to the batch (go to Control > Security > Account Batch Delete).


Note There is plenty of on-screen help when managing any of these elements so it's useful to read all the help notes opposite the fields displayed before you proceed.


Import file - Summary of columns

External Account ID - Used to import external reference ID for the Account (e.g. from previous CRM or SAGE).


Format:   50 Alphanumeric characters, optional.


Account Code - The unique company id assigned by Affino when your Account is first imported.  This will always be blank when the Account Import is used in 'Add' mode.  If you are updating existing Accounts, this field must be completed.


Account Name - The name of the Account or Company.   Duplicate Account Names are allowed, choose the correct on-screen setting > Duplicate Settings > Allow Duplicate Names


Format:   255 alphanumeric characters, required.


Parent Account Code - if more than one is available then use delimiter pipe as the separator


Parent Account Name - The name of the Parent Account or Company.  This Account must already exist in order to import 'Child' Accounts to be linked to it.


Format:   255 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Company Number - UK Companies House number.


Format:   50 Alphanumeric characters, optional.


VAT Number - UK VAT Number.


Format:   50 Alphanumeric characters, optional.


Notes - free format notes field.


Format:   Unlimited alphanumeric characters, optional.


Topics - Tags assigned to the Account. Also used to Assign Topics and CRM Topics.  Note that any Topics being imported in your file must already have been created in Affino (see Topic Lists).  


Format:   Unlimited, use pipe delimiter with no spaces to separate keywords, for example:  Supplier|Publisher


Account Type - Account segmentation using different Account types or categories. See Settings > Social > Lookups for a full list of current Account Types.  You can also add new ones if required.


Format:   Lookup values, optional.


Email, Telephone, Fax 


Format:   50 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Website, Twitter ID, Facebook, Linked In, Googleplus pages


Format:   110 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Address 1, 2, and 3


Format:   100 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Town City, County State


Format:   100 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Postcode Zip


Format:   20 alphanumeric characters, optional.




Format:   250 predefined list of Countries.  See Control > Settings > Countries.  Optional.


Account Director - The internal Account Director  assigned to this Account.


Format:  Predefined existing Contact/User already created in Affino, use email address for matching, optional.


Account Manager - The internal Account Manager assigned to this Account.


Format:  Predefined existing Contact/User already created in Affino, use email address for matching, optional.


Account Team - The Sales Team assigned to this Account.


Format:  Predefined existing Sales Team already created in Affino, use email address for matching, optional.


Industry - The type of Industry this Account conducts business in.


Format:  Predefined Lookup Table of Industry Types, optional.


Company Size - Number of Staff


Format:  10 numeric characters, no commas, optional.


Annual Turnover 


Format:  20 numeric characters, no commas, optional.


Ownership - e.g. Public, Private or Subsidiary


Format:  Predefined Lookup table of Ownership types.


Account email Domains - Enter in a comma separated list of email domains, i.e. the part after the @ sign, for this account.  Used in conjunction with Subscription variables to assign free Subscriptions to an existing Account.


Auto Approve Users - Select to automatically approve the user if 'Require User Approval' is selected on Registration Profile or Member Type(s). This will upgrade the user to the Granted Security Clearance, add security group from Member Type, send the approval notification email, removes them from Pending Users and trigger Added to Security Group conversion events.


Format:  Yes/No





Account Export

Social > CRM > Account Export


Use the on-screen filters to export by:

  • Account Type
  • Account Manager
  • Keywords

If you want a full export, simply click the save button.




This facility is usually only assigned to the Affino Security Manager in your Company for Data Protection purposes.


Please refer to the Account Import Help Guide above for a full explanation of all the columns exported.

Account Batch Delete

Control > Security > Account Batch Delete 


Use this screen to delete batches of accounts that have been imported using a Batch Reference.




User Import

Importing new Contacts (or Users) to Affino. Also used to update or delete Users previously imported. You can also import or update existing users to assign them to a Security Group or a Contact List.


Note: when using the pipe (|) delimiter, please remove the space in between values (Do I need a space between values when using the pipe delimiter?)


You will need to download a copy of the current import template. To do this go to:


Security > User Management > User Import


Click on the blue Help button and download a full sample XLS file for a Full User Import.


Document - Upload the XLS file. Required.


Action - Select the type of action that you would like to make. Add, Update or Delete. Required.


Registration Zone - Useful if you have multiple zones. Select the Zone for which you wish to import user details. This will use the associated User Profile, Registration Profile and Demographic profile for which to import the data. Optional.


ContactLists - You can associate everyone on your file to a single or multiples contact lists (using a pipe "|" delimiter). Select Contact List, Users Imported will be added to this Contact List. Optional.


PrivacyLevel - Select the privacy level for this user (Optional: String - values are: Public Profile, Friends Only, Private or Members Only).


Note that it's strongly advised that you do not change their preference unless the user specifically requests you to do so, or you are doing the initial user setup.


Profile Image - Use the full path of the media item in order to add or update the users' avatar/profile image.


Example: ""



Security Groups - This is useful if you are doing an action on users which share the same security groups. This can also be done within the file. Using the scroll down menu, select the Security Group where imported users will be located. Optional.

Account - This is useful if you are doing an action on users which share the account. This can also be done within the file. Select the Account that the users will be assigned to. The Update action will move existing users to the account selected here. Optional.


Start Row - Enter the row that you want to start importing from. This is useful when you have a long list and different elements of the list have different settings. If you do not enter a Start Row, then the import will start on row 1. Optional.


End Row - Enter the row that you want to end importing from. This is useful when you have a long list and different elements of the list have different settings. If you do not enter a End Row, then the import will end on the final row. Optional.


Extension Type - With the latest release, Affino have GDPR in place and you can set User Archive if they are inactive for a certain time. Select the days, months or years to set the User Archive Date. Optional.


Extension Period - Enter Extension Period with reference to the above Extension Type to set the User Archive Date if they are inactive. Optional


Lookup Gravatar - Select if you want to look up the Gravatar for each user you're importing, and apply it to the user's profile. Note that this will only work with the Add Action, and will slow down the user import. Optional.


Store Credits Action - Select which action to take for Store Credit Points. Add will add the value entered in the column to the users existing points. Update will replace the existing value on their account. The amount of points users currently have can change all the time so ensure when using Update that the user hasn't already spent their credits. Optional.


Batch Reference - Enter a batch reference. This is your reference so you can delete the batch of contacts or upload more contacts to the batch. Required.


Note There is plenty of on-screen help when managing any of these elements so it's useful to read all the help notes opposite the fields displayed before you proceed.


Import file - Summary of columns


External User ID - The User's original reference code (possibly from a previous database).


Format: 150 alphanumeric characters, optional.


User Code - This will always be blank when adding new Users to Affino. The User code is a unique identifier created by the system when added to the Database. When deleting or updating Users this must be present.


Format: numeric, system generated.


Title - the person's title.


Format: optional, values are: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr,  optional.


First name, Last Name


Format: 100 alphanumeric characters, both required.


Note - The First name and Last Name are the only two fields which are required when running the User import in 'Add' mode.


Password - This is only possible when adding a new user, not on update or delete.


Format: Minimum 6 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Email Primary - This is the User ID which will be required to login to the site. This must be completed if you are creating a User as a FULL Member. A Full Member is a User who's email address is recognised when they attempt to login.


Format: email format, optional.


Email Secondary - This is an additional email address for the User, can be used for their Personal email address.


Format: email format, optional.


Company - The name of the Company, which may be different to the Account name.


Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, optional.




Format: 30 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Job Title


Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Primary Address1, Primary Address 2 - Used to store the first and second lines of the address.


Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Primary Town City, Primary County State


Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Primary Country


Format: 100 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Primary Postcode Zip


Format: 20 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Note Primary Address details are the main address details you see when viewing a Contact or User.  The Delivery address can be used to provide an alternative postal address for print publications for example.


Delivery Address1, Delivery Address 2 - Used to store the first and second lines of the address.


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Delivery Town City, Delivery County State


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Delivery Country


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Delivery Postcode Zip


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.




Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Twitter ID


Format: 20 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Facebook Page


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.


LinkedIn page


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Googleplus page


Format: 200 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Disabled - suspends the user.


Format:  yes/no, optional.


Pending - Mark User as Pending so that they need to be validated in Affino to login.


Format:  yes/no, optional.


Business Telephone


Format: 30 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Mobile number, Fax number


Format: 30 alphanumeric characters, optional.


Date of birth


Format: dd/mm/yyyy, optional




Format: Male, Female, optional.


Member Type - available on the Registration Profile for users to select.


Format:  MemberType1|MemberType2.... free format, to be completed to match the Member Types created in Affino


Contact Type - determines which type of User is created


Format:  optional (default:Non-member)

Full:  creates a full user, they will just need to reset their password to Login


Non-member:  creates a user, they would still need to register on Affino.


Mailing List:  creates a user, they would still need to register on Affino.


Contact Lists - to add the User to existing contact lists. If there is more than one, use the pipe delimiter '|' to separate them.


Mailing List Subscriptions - to add the User to existing mailing lists. If there is more than one,

use the pipe delimiter '|' to separate them.


Security Groups - to add the User to existing Security Groups. If there is more than one,

use the pipe delimiter '|' to separate them.


Account - to associate this User with an existing Account in Affino.


Store Credits - Used for eCommerce Accounts and Recruitment Agencies for posting jobs. Enter

a number for a minimum Service Credits threshold. This value will override the

default setting on the Service Credits Profile.


Format:  Numerical, maximum value xxx.


Topic - to assign topics or tags which exist in the system (not CRM topics) to the User for targeting purposes.


Format: eg: Topic1|Topic2, optional.

Content Subscriptions - to sign the User up to regular content updates from Affino Sections 


Format: Combination of Channel ScreenName and Section Screen Name

eg: ChannelScreenName/SectionScreenName


Format:  default 'Public Profile', optional, other valid options: Public Profile, Friends only, FriendsPrivate, Members Only'


Note - If set to Private, people will only see their Name and their default icon.


Security Clearance - to assign security clearance over and above the security the User has been assigned by the Security Group they belong to.


Note - only Users who have the Security Right can see this User.


Contact Note - free format notes field.

Format:  Free format notes field, no character restriction, optional


Account code - the Unique Affino ID for the Account.  Users will be assigned to this Account.

Format:   Numerical, optional.


CRM Topics - assign CRM topics, separate with the pipe delimiter if there are more than one.


Note: This is only for Control Side, User does not see their CRM Topics on their Profile Update page.




Format:  free format, no character restriction, optional.


Subscription Status - only Needed when entering (MailingListSubscriptions) Column.


Format:  suspended, lapsed, optional, blank defaults to active.


Subscription Start - This is the Date when the free Subscription will be Started - Only Needed when entering (MailingListSubscriptions) Column


Format:   Date - 28 MAR 2014 - 'DD MMM YYYY', optional.


Subscription End - This is the Date when Subscription will be Ended - Only Needed when entering (MailingListSubscriptions) Column


Format:  Date - 28 MAR 2017 - 'DD MMM YYYY', optional.


Requested -  if the Subscription was requested.  Only Needed when entering (MailingListSubscriptions) Column


Format:  Yes/No, optional 



User Export

Security > User Management > User Export


The User Export screen enables you to export the contacts from your CRM.


There are several filters which can fine grain the export results.


For example, you can filter the users to export by:

  • Demographic
  • Registration
  • Conversion Event
  • Topics
  • Subscription Plans
  • Products

Click on the Help button in order to see the help text for reach field.


If you do not apply any filters and the export file exceeds 100 lines then you will receive an on screen message informing you that the export has been scheduled and that you will be emailed when it has been completed.


Once you receive the email, you can click on the link to view the exported file.


User Batch Delete

Control > Security > User Batch Delete


This creen allows you to delete batches of users that have been imported via the User Import and tagged with a particular reference.


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