The Contact Listing Design Element enables you to list out Contacts within your CRM based on a selection of criteria:
Contact List
CRM Topic
Conversion Event
Security Group
The Contacts can also be sorted by:
Last Touch
Last Login
Reverse Chronological.
This provides great flexibility on its use.
For example, you could use it to list out the Top 100 most engaged users on your site, a list of paid members, event attendees or your Board Members.
To use this, select this Design Element onto a Design Object within your Skin.
Below are the notable fields to take into account:
Contacts Panel
Type (Select to filter by Full Members, All Contacts or Online Contacts. Note: Full members are those that have registered on your site and not necessarily paid members)
Item Sorting (Sort the list by First Name, Last Name, Engagement, Last Touch, Last Login and Reverse Chronological)
Maximum Item Number (This will limit the number of items that are displayed. This differs to the Num Items within the Item Grid panel which will limit the number of rows to be shown)
Show Search Bar (This allows you to search contacts within the scope of the list you are displaying)
Show Number of Results (This displays the number of items found within the filtered criteria you have set)
Show More Contacts. There are three options here:
Do not show more contacts. This means that you are limiting the number of items being displayed and if there are more items found, you do not wish to display them.
Show contacts channel link. By default, this links to your Member channel but you could also link it to a different contact listing channel. This way you could use the Contacts DE again to display more results and control how the contacts are filtered. Note: If linking to the Member channel, filters and settings will not be carried across.
Load more contacts. This option will display a Load More Button at the bottom. If there are more items to be listed, the more button will appear.
Contact Channel (Select the channel you wish to link to. This field works in conjunction with the Show contacts channel link option above)
Item Grid panel
This controls how may columns and rows are displayed at different breakpoints
Personalisation Panel
Here, you have a range of filters to segment your Contacts by, used in combination with the Type.
Contact Lists (Select the Contact List(s) you want to use for listing the contacts)
CRM Topics (Select to filter contact by CRM Topics)
Interests (Select to filter by interests - those topics you have set on the Demographic Profile or Dynamic Form)
Conversion Events (Select to filter by conversion events, for example, members who have purchased an event)
Advanced Panel
Select the security groups you wish to filter by.
Note: Not all the fields have been included in this guide. There is inline help describing each of the fields
Item Sorting
The "Item Sort" dropdown option is only used when selecting a Contact List.
If you select Contacts manually they will be shown in the order that you've added them.
Note: Engagement is based on the Points (Engagement Points) accumulated by a user.
A user with more Engagement Points will appear higher up the in the listing.
In this example, we show you how to use the Contact Listing Design Element on a right hand columns (1 column), showing the first 5 contacts with a More button linking to a full width listing, displaying 100 results.
For this purpose, we will call the listing Top 100 and sort by engagement. The main difference is that the 1 columns Contact Listing Design Element will use the Show contacts channel link setting to open another channel containing a full width listing of contacts with a load more button.
Channel 1 (full width Contacts Channel)
This channel displays a full listing of contacts. It will list the first 12 items with a load more button
Create a Channel, named Contacts. This could be a Gateway Channel as you are not using the Smart Prime Content Design Element.
Create a Skin/Design Object and assign to Contacts Channel.
Add a Navigation cell on Row 1 (add navigation buttons as appropriate)
On Row 2, add one cell, a Contacts Listing Design Element at 100%
On the Contact Listing Design Element, set the following options:
Header Title: set to Top 100
Type: Full Members
Item Sorting: Engagement
Maximum Item Number: 100
Show Search Bar: checked
Show Number Of Results : checked
Show Contact Name: checked
Show Biog: checked
Show Biog Popup
Show 'View Profile' Button On Popup: checked
Show More Button: checked
Show Job Title: checked
Show Company: checked
Show More Contacts: select Load more contacts
Avatar Panel: Show Avatar, checked
Grid Panel: For fluid breakpoint, select Columns: 4, Num: 12 (Select appropriate columns/Num Items for other breakpoints)
Channel 2 (Any article channel with right hand column)
Create a Channel, named Article
Create a Skin/Design Object. Add a Navigation cell on Row 1 (add navigation buttons as appropriate)
On Row 2, add two cells, a Smart Prime Content Design Element at 66% and a Contacts Listing Design Element at 33%
On the Contact Listing Design Element, set the following options
Header Title: set to Top 100
Type: Full Members
Item Sorting: Engagement
Maximum Item Number: 5
Show Contact Name: checked
Show Biog: checked
Show Biog Popup
Show 'View Profile' Button On Popup: checked
Show More Button: checked
Show Job Title: checked
Show Company: checked
Show More Contacts: select Show contacts channel link
Contacts Channel: select Contacts
Avatar Panel: Show Avatar, checked
Grid Panel: For each breakpoint, select Columns: 1, Num: 5