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Mailing List Subscribe Import Guide



The Mailing List Subscriber Import allows you to import contacts and subscribe them to one or more Mailing Lists.


Note: you can also unsubscribe or remove users


If the contact isnt in the CRM, they will be created as a new Mailing List type user.


In summary, you will need to:

  • Download and prepare the sample file for import
  • Select the mailing list(s) you wish the contacts to subscribe or unsubscribe to
  • Select the Action to take (Subscribe Users, Unsubscribe Users, Remove Users)
  • Choose to Update Unsubscribed Users or not
  • Select the User Profile
  • Save (import)

Tip: Make sure you click on Help and download the latest sample XLSX file.


Please be aware that the import is limited to 10,000 records at a time.


Import File: Fields

The format used for the import file is XLSX.


The required/obligatory fields for the import are:

  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • Email

The rest of the fields are:

  • PrimaryAddress1
  • PrimaryAddress2
  • PrimaryTownCity
  • PrimaryCountyState
  • PrimaryISOCode
  • PrimaryCountry
  • PrimaryPostcodeZip
  • DeliveryAddress1
  • DeliveryAddress2
  • DeliveryTownCity
  • DeliveryCountyState
  • DeliveryISOCode
  • DeliveryCountry
  • DeliveryPostcodeZip
  • Topic
  • PermissionCode
  • PermissionDate
  • Source


Options and Settings

The Mailing List Subscriber Import screen has several options to choose from. Select the ones that apply to your needs.



  • Mailing List: Select from the scroll-down menu the Mailing List you would like to import the subscribers for.
  • Document: select an XLSX file for the import (remember to download the sample file)
  • Action: Select to subscribe users to the selected mailing list(s), unsubscribe (still shown on the contact record) or remove them from the mailing list (not shown on the contact record whether they were previously subscribed or unsubscribed)
  • Update Unsubscribed Users: Used with the Subscribe action, select to subscribe users previously unsubscribed from the selected mailing list(s). If not selected, unsubscribed users will not be processed in the import
  • User Profile: Select the user profile that will be assigned to the imported subscribers; note that subscribers will be created as users for this website, with the security rights assigned by this user profile
  • Start Row: Enter the row that you want to start importing from. This is useful when you have a long list and different elements of the list have different settings. If you do not enter a Start Row, then the import will start on row 1
  • End Row: Enter the row that you want to end importing from. This is useful when you have a long list and different elements of the list have different settings. If you do not enter a End Row, then the import will end on the final row
  • Send Notification: Check this option if you wish users to receive an email confirmation of their subscribe/unsubscribe. This will include the name of the Mailing Lists
  • Notification Language: Use the drop-down menu to select the notification language


Rules and Notifications


  • If a user is already in the CRM and active, they are assigned to the selected mailing list(s)
  • If a user has been archived, they are unarchived first and then subscribed to the mailing list (s)
  • If the email already exists and the "Update Unsubscribed Users" checkbox is not ticked, the user is skipped


  • Affino sends an email notification listing any users who were not imported due to being unsubscribed or archived


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