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Importing and Exporting Articles Guide




A quick guide on how to import, update and delete Articles in Affino.

You can also export your Articles from sections, channels or across the whole zone.

These are normally limited to your Security Administrator to protect Company data.


Recommended import procedure

  • You can import different type of Articles (Content) such as editorial articles, events, blogs, directories and many more (this can be set in Presentation style)
  •   > Our recommendation is to make an import per content type. Firstly, define the Presentation Style (Content Type) and the section where it should belong to (this will allow you to organize your content efficiently)
  • It is also recommended to upload your media assets first, in order to link your images with the articles


Before you start - useful tips

Affino imports

You will need to use the standard Affino import templates which are found in the Help text next to the Import Menu. Always download the template when you are preparing an import file as it may have changed since you last saved the file locally. (for example, adding a new column to support a new field in the Database).


Import files can be up to 100mb in size in a xlsx format.


Once the file has been uploaded, you will see an on-screen message 'The import has been scheduled and you will be emailed when it is complete'.


The email will contain an itemised list per row, of any errors encountered, with help messages.


Important - the column titles in the import file cannot contain any spaces. It is not necessary to edit the row containing the columns (these are the actual table names in the Affino Database).


Affino exports

Once you have requested the export, you will see an on-screen message 'The export has been scheduled and you will be emailed when it is complete. The email will have a link to the file in Affino.


Import and Export filters

There are a number of different filters which you can apply when importing and exporting, it is useful to read up on these to be sure you have selected the rights ones, if any.


Add, update and delete mode

The imports can be run in three modes.



This will insert the record to Affino and generate the unique Article code.



The Update action allows you to replace the information stored against the Article, for example, if you wish to add additional topics and texts, you would need to export the Articles first and add them alongside the existing values in the file.



When you wish to delete records from Affino, you will need to know the batch number which you used to import them. It's useful to save your imports using the batch number as part of the file name for any future deletions or updates as this is a required field on the import screens.


How to link Images (Main Image, Thumbnail Image, Image 1 2 3 4 5 6, Base and Header Image) to Articles


1. Once you have your media items hosted in Affino, run a Media File Path export via this screen: Control > Commerce > Media File Path Export


2. Select the desired Channel, Section and Media Type and hit Export.


3. Extract the right path and filename from the file and include it in the corresponding column(s) on the Article import.

Article Import

As explained above, on this screen you can start importing new Articles to Affino but you can also update or delete existing Articles.


You will need to download a copy of the current import template. To do this go to:


Control > Publish > Article Import


Click on the blue Help button and download a full sample XLSX file.


Here are some of the key fields, with a help text, that you'll need to set up in order to run the import.


Main Panel:

  • Document - Upload your XLSX import file (Use the Article Screen Name, Article Code or Catalogue Item Code to identify the article to which the step by step articles will be added to. You can also multi display the steps by using either the MultiDisplayArticleCode or MultiDisplayCatalogueItemCode columns)
  • Action - Select Add to import new articles, Update to modify existing ones and Delete to remove the articles included in the XLSX file
  • Add Open New Tab To External Links: Tick this box to add Target="_blank" to every external link
  • Add Paragraph Break Line: Tick this box to add an extra paragraph break line at the end of each closing paragraph tag. This is useful to add spacing between paragraphs
  • Start Row: Enter the row that you want to start importing from. This is useful when you have a long list and different elements of the list have different settings. If you do not enter a Start Row, then the import will start on row 2
  • EndRow: Enter the row that you want to end importing from. This is useful when you have a long list and different elements of the list have different settings. If you do not enter an End Row, then the import will end on the final row
  • Batch Reference: Enter a batch reference. This is your reference so you can delete the batch of Articles or upload more Articles to the batch
  • Auto Meta Information - Tick this box to apply your Auto Meta settings to the items you are importing


Media Fetch Panel:

  • Import Media - Tick this box to allow Affino to fetch supported media file types added in the import file. This could be inline reference paths (i.e. < img src = "" />) added to the text columns or reference source path (i.e. on media and image columns. After successfully fetched, the import engine will overwrite it with the new media file path. Please note the import could take longer than usual if you turn this on. Also, bear in mind the import will not alter any embed codes. If you have multiple image URLs in the image columns, we will only fetch the first one
  • Source Domain - Please enter up to two domains, comma separated, where the import will fetch the media from, e.g., If you have relative URLs in the file (e.g. ../MediaFolder/image1.jpg), we will use the first domain listed to fetch those media files and place them into Media Items
  • Media Library Section - Select the Media Library Section where you would like to store the fetched Media Items


Deleting values in Update mode

Control > Publish > Article Import > Action: Update


Use the [_null_] placeholder in Update mode to remove values from the desired fields.


Example: removing the Teaser




Results after the update:



Ref: How can I delete values in a column via an import?


The placeholder is allowed on the following columns:

  • AlternativeTitle
  • Teaser
  • CallToAction
  • Introduction
  • Text1
  • Text2
  • Text3
  • Text4
  • Text5
  • Keywords
  • Shareline1
  • Shareline2
  • Shareline3
  • SO
  • Priority
  • ThumbnailImage
  • ThumbnailAlt
  • MainImage
  • MainAlt
  • MainAlign
  • IntroImage
  • IntroAlt
  • TopImage
  • TopAlt
  • Image1
  • Alt1
  • Image2
  • Alt2
  • Image3
  • Alt3
  • Image4
  • Alt4
  • Image5
  • Alt5
  • Image6
  • Alt6
  • BaseImage
  • BaseAlt
  • HeaderImage
  • Multimedia
  • ReviewQuote
  • ReviewRating
  • ReviewName
  • ReviewDetails
  • ReviewScore
  • ReviewVerdict
  • ReviewPros
  • ReviewCons
  • InformationBoxTitle
  • InformationBoxText
  • ArticleType
  • Sponsor
  • SponsorLink
  • StepByStepTitle
  • Credits
  • OverrideLink
  • ArticleIcons
  • ArticleAttributes
  • ContactPostCode
  • ContactCompany
  • ContactTel
  • ContactEmail
  • ContactWebsite
  • ContactAddressOne
  • ContactAddressTwo
  • ContactTown
  • ContactMap
  • ContentType
  • EventStart
  • EventEnd
  • EventLocation
  • DirectoryStand
  • EventRecurrenceType
  • EventNumberofRecurrences
  • AccountCode
  • RelatedExternalArticleIDs
  • RelatedArticleCodes
  • RelatedArticleScreenNames
  • SecurityClearance
  • Multidisplay


The Media Fetch Panel


The Media Fetch functionality allows you to fetch supported media file types during the import, it downloads the image/document (PDF) from the URL then puts it into Affino.


This is useful if you wish to import articles from Wordpress.


Before you make use of the Media Fetch, you will need to prepare you articles for the import.


1.- Firstly, sort your content into Chronological order (oldest first), this will make the internal links update efficient.

2.- Add content to the matching columns.


3.- Only add one image path per image column (i.e. one for Image1, another one for Image2, etc)


4.- Place the permalink from WordPress in the SourceURL column



5.- Once you have the prepared the import file

  • Head to the Article Import screen
  • select the section
  • upload the file and select Add


7.- On the Media Fetch panel, tick the Import Media option to turn this on:


8.- Add the Source Domain of your media items added in the file




9.- Select which Media Library you would like to store the media fetched from the Article Import.



10.- Lastly, select Add Paragraph Break Line if you want to include paragraph break lines between each paragraph and heading for better formatting.


Once the article import starts running, this has 2 phases:


1.- It will validate the content, add content (including fetching media) and start adding the Paragraph breaks.


Once this is done, you will get a notification that the import was either successful or unsuccessful with errors.


If it was successful, then the import starts its second phase


2.- The second phase is to clean up any WordPress comments and start updating identified internal links that were added to the SourceURL on other articles (validates the Media Fetch).



> Each items permalink (Source URL) will stored against the article.



  • to

> For images, you must only use the Source Domain.


You can use up to 2 domains (i.e. "" "and").


For more information on each field in the Media Fetch panel, please enable the Help Text option:



Article Import File

Summary of Columns


Required fields:  Title, Presentation Style


ExternalArticleID - Used to import external reference ID for the Articles (e.g. from previous CMS).


ArticleCode - The unique Article code assigned by Affino when your Articles is first imported. This will always be blank when the Account Import is used in 'Add' mode. If you are updating existing Accounts, this field must be completed.


Title - The title of the article.

Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, required.


AlternativeTitle - Text value


Teaser - A small description of the article. This will be displayed on article listings and design elements.

Format: 255 alphanumeric characters, optional.


CallToAction - Text value


Introduction - Include an introduction text which would sit below the Title or Main Image, depending on Presentation Style. Worth noting, this won't be displayed on listing page or Design Elements.


Text1 - This is your Main Body text. You can include Text-Based HTML Elements.

Format: Unlimited alphanumeric characters, optional.


Text2, Text3, Text4, Text5 - Additional text field. Depending on your chosen Presentation Style, you can split your article text.

Format: Unlimited alphanumeric characters, optional.


Keywords - Include keywords that you wish to tag your content. Separate multiples keywords with a vertical bar character. '|'


Shareline1 - Text value


Shareline2 - Text value


Shareline3 - Text value


ScreenName - Normally Affino generates the Screen Name by using the Article Title. However, if you wish to use a different Screen Name, you can include it here.


SO - integer value [this is the Sort Order number]


Priority - integer value


ThumbnailImage - Here's where you add the image file path for the Articles' Thumbnail.


ThumbnailAlt - Here's where you input the alt text that you wish to go along with the Thumbnail.

Format: 100 alphanumerical characters, optional.





MainImage - Here's where you add the image file path for the Articles' Main Image. As mentioned previously in this guide, you can export the file path by using our Media File Path Export.

Format: Unlimited alphanumeric characters, optional.


MainAlt - Here's where you input the alt text that you wish to go along with the Main Image.

Format: 100 alphanumerical characters, optional.


MainAlign - Set the Main Image alignment. Left = 1. Center = 2. Right = 3.













TopImage Additional image option. Depending on your chosen Presentation Style, you can split your article layout with images.


TopAlt - Here's where you input the alt text that you wish to go along with the Top Image.

Format: Unlimited alphanumeric characters, optional.






Image1Align, Image2Align, Image3Align, Image4Align:


Image1Width, Image2Width, Image3Width, Image4Width:


Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5, Image6, BaseImage, HeaderImage - Additional image option. Depending on your chosen Presentation Style, you can split your article layout with images.


Alt1, Alt2, Alt3, Alt4, Alt5, Alt6, BaseAlt - Here's where you input the alt text that you wish to go along with the corresponding Image.


Multimedia - src value


Review Columns:

  • ReviewQuote
  • ReviewRating
  • ReviewShowImagesAsSlideshowYN
  • ReviewFullWidthYN
  • ReviewName
  • ReviewDetails
  • ReviewScore
  • ReviewVerdict
  • ReviewPros
  • ReviewCons

InformationBoxTitle - Depending on your chosen Presentation Style, if needed, you can add extra information about the content. In this case, this would be your information title.


InformationBoxText - Depending on your chosen Presentation Style, if needed, you can add extra information about the content. In this case, this would be your information main text.


InformationBoxAutoBulletsYN - Depending on Presentation Style or if you have a custom template, this attribute can be used for different purposes. The Affino team will advise you if required.




SponsoredYN - Boolean value [this is the Sponsored Article field on articles]


Sponsor - text value [this is the Sponsor field on articles]


SponsorLink - text value [this is the Sponsor Link field on articles]


StepByStepTitle - If you are introducing Articles steps, you have the option to invlude a title before the steps blocks.


Credits - Normally used to give credit to photographer or Stock Photo Agencies


OverrideLink - If using Link article Presentation Style, here's where you add the link of which you would like the article to be redirected.


ArticleIcons - If you have set Article Icons in Affino, include file path for icons.


ArticleAttributes - Here you can associate Article Attributes to the article. It has to follow this sequence: Article Attribute: Name of Topic. If assigning multiples topics under the same attributes you can use the semi-colon to separate them. i.e. Acting:Farce;Models;Performers 


You can also use the pipe delimiter character to associate multiples attributes. i.e. Acting:Monodrama | Amateur:Community theatre


    - This attribute is used on Directory Presentation Style. Include the Contact Post/Zip Code.


ContactPostCode -


ContactCompany - This attribute is used on Directory Presentation Style. Include the Contact Company Name.


ContactTel - This attribute is used on Directory Presentation Style. Include the Contact Telephone Number.


ContactEmail - This attribute is used on Directory and Event Presentation Styles. Include the Contact Email Address


ContactWebsite - This attribute is used on Directory and Event Presentation Styles. Include the Contact Website


ContactAddressOne - This attribute is used on Directory Presentation Style. Include the Contact Address First Line 


ContactAddressTwo - This attribute is used on Directory Presentation Style. Include the Contact Address Second Line


ContactTown - This attribute is used on Directory Presentation Style. Include the Contact Address Town


Directory columns:

  • DirectoryStand
  • DirectoryShowRelatedJobsYN
  • DirectoryHideEmailYN
  • DirectoryHideContactSupplier
  • DirectoryStepProfileCode

ContentType - If you have set Content Types, include a matching value which represents your content.


EventStart - This attribute is used on Event and Seminar Presentation Styles. Add an Event start date and time.

Format: Date and time. e.g. 12/12/2016 18:00:00


EventEnd - This attribute is used on Event and Seminar Presentation Style. Add an Event end date and time.

Format: Date and time. e.g. 12/12/2016 18:00:00


EventLocation - This attribute is used on Event and Seminar Presentation Style. Add the event/seminar location.


EventRecurrenceType - This attribute is used on Event Presentation Style. Set the event recurrence type. 1 = One-off. 2 = Weekly. 3 = Every 3 Weeks. 4 = Bimonthly. 5 = Annually. 6 = Daily. 7 = Fortnightly. 8 = Monthly. 9 = Every 6 Months. 10 = Biannually. 11 = Custom.


EventNumberofRecurrences - This attribute is used on Event Presentation Style. Set the number of recurrences. Values from 1 to 52.




CreatorEmail - Include creator/author email address. Note, make sure it is already in the system (see more):

  • CreatorFirstName
  • CreatorLastName



PublishStart - Set the Publication Start date.

Format: Date. e.g. 12/12/2016


PublishEnd - Set the Publication End date.

Format: Date. e.g. 12/12/2016


RelatedExternalArticleID - If you would like to relate it with an existing content, you can use their ExternalArticleID


RelatedArticleCode - If you would like to relate it with an existing content, you can use their ArticleCode


RelatedArticleScreenName - If you would like to relate it with an existing content, you can use their ArticleScreenName


NOTE: To relate articles, either or both RelatedArticleCode and RelatedArticleScreenName can be used, so long as they match.


SecurityClearance - You can set different Security Clearance per entry. This will overwrite the Security Clearance set on the import screen.


SectionName - You can set different Section per entry. This will overwrite the Section set on the import screen.


Multidisplay - You can set different Multidisplay Sections per entry. This will overwrite the Multidisplay set on the import screen. If adding multiple sections, use vertical bar character to separate them. '|'


PresentationStyle - Set which Presentation Style you wish to use per entry: Advanced Article, Advanced Event, Blog, Directory, FAQ, Feature Article, Gallery Article, Link Article, Product, Recruitment Brief, Seminar, Simple Article, Simple Event (if you have a custom template, the Affino team will advise you to use a different Presentation Style value)




LiveYN - Set the content live.

Format: Yes/No


RemoveMultidisplay - This is helpful if you are running an update and wish to remove Multidisplay Sections from existing entry




Article Export


Control > Publish > Article Export


Use the on-screen filters to export by:

  • Main Panel:
  • Zone - Select the Zone you wish to export all articles from. If a Zone is selected then only articles from the Zone will be exported.
  • Channel -  Select the Channels you wish to export all articles from. If one or more Channels are selected then only articles from the selected Channels will be exported.
  • Section Focus -Select the Sections you would like to filter on. If you don't select any, then all the items will be exported.
  • Archive - Select to export archived articles only, or to export only articles which have not been archived.
  • File Format
  • Seminar Panel:
  • Include Moderators And Speakers - Select to add Moderators and Speakers in the export. These are only available with the Advanced Seminar presentation style
  • Review Panel:
  • Include Reviews - Select to add Reviews values in the export. These are only available with the Reviews presentation style
  • Dates Panel:
  • Publish Start - Select start date to export from

  • Publish End - Select end date to export to

  • Event Start - Select event start date to export from

  • Event End -  Select event end date to export until

  • Security Panel:
  • Security Clearance - Select the Security Clearance rights that have been allocated to the articles that you want to export. If left blank, all articles you have been given security clearance to will be exported. You will only be able to export the articles that you have security clearance for.


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