Large Article Images
The Large Article Image screen allows you to search for large images within your articles.
Filters and Columns
- File Min Size [KB]: enter the minimum KB size of the image
- Image Min Width [px]: enter the minimum width in pixels of the image
- Image Min Height [px]: enter the minimum height in pixels of the image
- Image Type: enter the type of image (these are the image fields on the article)
- Title: enter the title of the article where the image is set
- Zone: select the zone where the related article reside under
- Channel: select the channel where the related article reside under
- Section: select the section where the related article reside under
- Style: select the style of the related article
- Published From: set a date from when the related article was published
- Live: tick whether the search should look for Live or non Live articles
- Archived: tick whether the search should look for Archived or non Archived articles
- Main Image: the Main Image of the article
- File Size: the size of the image
- Width: the width of the image
- Height: the heigh of the image
- File Path: the image URL
- Media Item: link to the image as a Media Item
- Article Title: the title of the article where the image is set
- Section: the section where the article resides unders
- Live: the articles Live status
- Created By: the article's creator
- Published: the date the article was published