ao link

Tracking Internal and External Links



Link Tracking is available for internal and external links on Articles.


This guide will show you how to set them up and see the stats for each link clicked.

Adding links within the WYSIWYG editor

Control > Publish > Articles > (Add/Edit) > WYSIWYG (fields)


The WYSIWYG editor has a link option:



You can select the text you want set as a link first, or, select the Link icon and insert the text and URL from there.


Please see the attached video for instructions.


Tracking Link Clicks

You can track the links set on the WYSIWYG editor (which are displayed on the article) via the Link Clicks panel.



The Link Clicks panel includes both internal and external links.


Each click is saved and tallied towards the months total.


Clicks by Contacts

The panel below Links Clicks is the Recent Clicks panel.



This panel shows you the Contacts, their Account, Company, the particular link that was clicked and the time that the click occured.


When you accumlate more data you may opt to refine the results by Date Range or by Link.


You can also select a Contact List to add them to it.



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