The User Profile is what defines the Community and User Experience on a particular Zone.
Here you can configure User settings and associate with other profiles.
The related profiles need to be created before you can assign them to the User Profile
Once selected on a Zone a User Profile cannot be changed
Main Panel
The Main Panel is where most of the related profiles come together.
The user's experience is primarily shaped by the profiles you set in this panel.
Enter a name for this user profile that is meaningful and will be recognised easily
Login Attempts:
Defines how many failed logins a user from a particular IP Address has before he/she is locked out of the site and needs to be cleared by removing the IP Address from Barred Addresses
Customer Ladder Profile:
Is essential for evaluating customer engagement and for gaming mechanics
Demographic Profile:
Configures the second screen, following the registration screen.
External Integration Profile:
Enables users to connect with external integrations on your site, for example Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Login Profile:
Required for each user profile. This instructs users to login, the layout and appropriate messaging surrounding the login, including social connectors.
My Account Profile:
Allows you to customise the users My Account settings which contain the users’ order history, digital media and subscription information
My Preferences Profile:
Manages the users’ contact preferences (permission to contact customers by Phone, Mail, Email and SMS)
My Information Profile:
Allows you to customise what is displayed on the users’ Profile Page. It is a gateway page to users content and media, friends and contacts, messages, blogs, onsite favourites, subscriptions, tests, groups and more
Password Reset Profile:
Lets you set up the various field labels, intro text and icons for when a user forgets their password and requests a reminder
Public Profile:
Allows you to choose the information displayed and the security settings for users on their public profile
Registration Profile:
This governs what users will see when registering on the site
Security Contact:
The user who should be notified for Workflow, Newsletter, Forum and Member Alert Notifications; If no user is selected, the email specified in the System Settings will be used
User Home Page:
When users have logged in, this is the Channel they are redirected to
Zoned Setting
Select this to enable the community to be zoned.
This means that the community will be restricted to users registered under the same User Profile only.
If Zoned, users will need to register for each User Profile
Cross-Domain Settings
Maintain Session: Select this to enable cross-domain session.
Example: If you are logged into “” and then navigate to “” (both within the same Zone) to fill out a dynamic form, you will be logged into the later since Maintain Session is enabled.
Prime Zone For Session: Select which Zone will be used to maintain the Session.
If you have several Zones, choose which one will have Maintain Session enabled.
The titles defined here ( Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc) will appear on the registration form and on dynamic forms if selected on the registration profile and on each dynamic form.
Members Profile
Name Disclosure Level
Use the drop-down menu to select the level of name disclosure throughout the site
This includes Who's Online, MyMessages, Member Profile, Forums, Message Boards and Comments & Ratings
Contact Display
The Contact Display Type can be either 'lastname, firstname' or 'firstname lastname'
This determines how the contacts are displayed throughout the site
Company Display
Select the order in which a Contact's company is used on the display side
e.g. if Public Name is empty, use Account. If Account is empty, use Company
Member Profile Sharing
Select if member Profiles will be public, private, or by User choice
If User Choice selected, the checkbox labeled private will be shown during registration and on the member profile screen
Member Quota
Enter the Member Quota Limit in kilobytes (e.g. 2048)
Avatar Shape
Select to display round or square avatars
The avatar is used across the site including the Public Profile, Member Search, Control side components and Design Elements
Security Lockdown
Exclude IP Addresses From Site Analytics
Enter a space separated list of IP Addresses used by staff, e.g. your company offices IP Addresses
These IP Addresses will be excluded from Site Analytics
Affino will not apply login attempt limits on users coming from these IP Addresses
This means that a single user forgetting their password need not lock out the whole team
Exclude Security Groups From Site Analytics
Select the Security Groups to exclude from Site Analytics
Restrict Control Centre To IP Addresses
Enter a space separated list of IP Addresses to restrict access to the Control Centre
If entered, this will prevent access to those working remotely or from different IP Addresses
Security Notice
Enter in a security notice
This will be displayed whenever someone attempts to access the Control Centre outside of an authorised IP Address range