My Interests is a dedicated channel which sits under My Preferences on the My Account navigation.
Users can manage their interests so that they can see personalised content and receive targeted notifications of content which interests them.
Users can also choose in what frequency they wish to receive the content alerts based on the interest they have chosen (by default, this will be Off).
Setup the My Interests Profile
Control > Settings > My Interests Profiles
This profile allows you to configure your Interest Channel and Content Email Alert.
You can select the settings for the screen and the content email alert as well.
Interest topics are set up separately on the Demographic Profile.
However, the selected matching topics in the Demographic Profile will also appear as selected on the Interest Channel.
Main panel:
Name: Enter the name you wish to call this profile
Field type: Text
Required: Yes
Topic Theme: Select the Parent Topic of the theme that you wish to reflect on the Interest Channel
Pop-Up: Select a Topic
Field type: Single Selector
Required: Yes
Sort Order: Select the sort order in which the topics should be listed on the Interest Channel
Field type: Dropdown
Required: Yes
Values: Alphabetical | Topic Theme
Default Value: Topic Theme.
Show Trending Topics: Select to show your site trending topics on the Interest Channel. It will sit on top of the topic listing
Field type: checkbox
Default: unchecked
Maximum No. of Trending Topic: Enter the number of maximum trending topics to show on the Interest Channel
Field type: Integer
Default value: 10
Validation: only allows values from 1 to 20
Icons panel:
Icon Color
Background Color
Border Color
Icon Color
Background Color
Border Color
Icon Color
Background Color
Border Color
Email Notification panel:
Email Profile: Select the Email Profile for sending out messages
Field type: dropdown
Required: No
Channels: Select the Channels from which the user is going to be alerted when new content is published based on their interest
Pop-Up: Select Article Channels
Field type: Multi-selector.
Required: Yes
Max. Article Limit: Enter the maximum number of articles to list on the email
Field type: Integer
Optional: Yes
Email Subject: Enter the Email Subject
Field type: Text
Required: Yes
Logo: Upload logo to appear on the email
Image uploader
Optional: Yes
Header: Enter the Introduction text to appear on the email. You can include the dynamic placeholder [_Name_Disclosure_] to add the Name Disclosure Level to the personal message. The Name Disclosure is set on the User Profile
Optional: Yes
Show Author: Select to show the author against the article
Optional: Yes
Show Date: Select to show the publish date against the article
Optional: Yes
Show Topic: Select to show the topics against the article
Optional: Yes
Show Section: Select to show the Section name against the article
Optional: Yes
Message: Enter a message text to appear on the email, below the article
Optional: Yes
Footer: Enter the footer text to appear on the email. You can use the [_Unsubscribe_] placeholder to link users to the Interest channel
Optional: Yes
Design Style: Select a Design Style to be applied to the email. Note: There may be limitations as to what attributes can be applied to HTML emails, depending on the email client
Field type: Dropdown
Required: Yes
Options: Displays all available design styles
Thumbnail Alignment: Select the alignment you want for the Thumbnail
Field type: Dropdown
Required: Yes
Options: Left | Top | Right
Default value: Left
Campaign: Select a Campaign to apply to this email
Field type: Dropdown
Optional: Yes
Options: Displays all available campaigns
Campaign Position: Select the Campaign Position on the email
Permission: Select the permission statement to be shown when a user selects a Frequency Option
Pop-up Permission
Single Selector
Optional: Yes
Default value: Off
Frequency Options (Select which frequency options to offer the user. Please select at least one
Required: Yes
Options: Real-Time | Daily | Weekly | Monthly
Setup the My Interests Channel
The My Interests channel will be reflecting the configuration based on the Interest Profile for users to follow topics, by adding them to their interest and notifying them when new content is published.
Here are some of the key fields, with the Help Text:
Name: Enter a name to identify the channel
Type: text
Required: Yes
Channel Title: Enter a SEO enhanced name for your Channel
Type: text
Parent Channel: Select the Channel you want this one to appear under Language
Type: dropdown
Required: Yes
Details: Enter detailed content to be presented on this channel
Type: test
Hidden: Option for this Channel's Title to be hidden from view within your website's menus
Type: checkbox
Hide From Site Search: Select if you do not wish for any of the content of this channel to appear in the Site Search results
Type: checkbox
Hide From Search Engines: Select if you do not wish for any of the content of this channel to appear in the Google Sitemap and to be excluded from search engines
Type: checkbox
Keywords: Add Keyword Tags separated by commas that describe this section
Type: text
Allows for multiple values
Skin: Select the Skin that will be the basis of this Channel
Type: popup
My Interests Profile: Select the Interest Profile for this Interest Channel to use
Type: dropdown
Required: Yes
The My Interests page
Users can navigate to their My Interests page from the My Account page.
The My Interests page layout has several areas, these are:
Channel Name
Channel Details
Frequency options: These options come from the My Interests Profile. Please check which of the following to show:
Real-Time | Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Off
Default value:Off
Select the frequency of your email notifications: This text Item can be changed via the Application Bar
Trending Topics: Please check if this is turned on. If on, the whole row will be displayed. The maximum number of trending topics is set in the My Interests Profile. Trending topics can be determined by the users current trending views that are within the Topic List.
Optional: Yes
All Topics: This Text Item can be changed using the Application Bar
Sort By filter: The default filter will come from the Sort Order option within the My Interests Profile
Options: Theme | Alphabetical | My Interests
Theme view: This will reflect the topic list by the hierarchy which is in the topic list, same as the Topic Channel.
Alphabetical view: This will reflect the topic list in alphabetical order, ignoring the parent and child topic relationship
My Interests view: This will show an additional row on top of the topic list with the users interests already selected