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Design Scripts Guide


A Design Script is a custom script that can be added to various parts of your website to run specific behaviors or integrate with third-party platforms. 


These scripts can be coded in ColdFusion, HTML, or JavaScript.


Note: It is important to use these scripts sparingly and ensure they are trusted, as JavaScript code may be insecure, clash with other scripts on the page, or slow down your site.


Design > Design Scripts



The listing screen displays all of the design scripts that have been created. You can search for each one by name.



Adding a Design Script


Design > Design Scripts > Design Script Edit


Click on the Add button on the listing screen in order to create a design script.


You will be shown several options on the next screen. You can create Coldfusion, Content HTML, Javascript and Zone HTML scripts.





Design > Design Scripts > Design Script Edit




  • Name: Enter the Name you wish to call this Design Script
  • Code: The script is a script that can use any combination of HTML, DHTML, CSS, ColdFusion and Affino Functions
  • Script Type: Select the Design Script Type, this can be either Cold Fusion, HTML or JavaScript. Cold Fusion and HTML are evaluated on-the-fly, and the JavaScript is included as a separate JS file
  • Detail: Enter a brief description of this Design Script


Cookie Policy

  • Cookie Name: Enter the name of the cookie used. This will be listed on Cookie Preferences
  • Cookie Policy Profiles: Select the Cookie Policy Profiles where the cookies in this script are used
  • Cookie Type: Select the type of cookie this script is using
  • Reload Page Once Consent Given: Select to force a reload of the page once the user has consented to the cookie(s). This may be required by some scripts such as Adsense in order to load the content. Note: Reloading a page will add a page impression count



  • Control Security Clearance: Use the drop-down menu to select which users have access to manage this Design Script


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