The User Export enables you export the contacts from your CRM.
You can use several filters in order to fine grain the results.
Security > User Export
Main Panel:
Registration Zone: Select the Zone for which you wish to export user details. This will use the associated User Profile, Registration Profile and Demographic profile for which the export is required.
Columns: Select whether you want to export all the contact attributes, including their account details or simply the contact details, e.g. for a lead export. Note that if you select the Contact Details Only option then only the key: name, job title, address, company and contact details are included. (All Contact Attributes, Contact Details Only, Contact Attributes With Account Details)
Pipe Delimit Multiple Values In Answer: Select to add pipe delimiters to each value within an answer e.g. ,|Red | Yellow | Blue|, The file created will still be comma separated
File Format: Select the format required for export (XLSX, CSV, TSV)
Demographic Filters
Contact: Select to export data for a single Contact
Account: Select to Filter by one or more Account, if no account is selected then this filter is not applied.
Contact Type: Select the Contact Types you want to filter the user export by. Only users with matching contact types will be exported
Contact List: Select to filter user export based on Contact List
Exclude Contact List: Select to filter user export based on Contact List
Country: Select to filter the export by users in the Country selected here
Regions: Choose a list of regions from drop down selector
Cities: Choose a list of cities from drop down selector
Postcode: Filter export by user postcode
Filter By Users With Store Credits: Select to filter by users that have Store Credits
Mailing List: Select a Mailing List you want to filter by to export the subscribers
Exclude Mailing List: Select a Mailing List you want to filter by to export the subscribers
Mailing List Unsubscribers: Select the Mailing List for which to export unsubscribed users
Unsubscribed From All Marketing: Select to export users who have unsubscribed from all messages, this includes those that have hard bounced or manually unsubscribed
Member Type: Select the Member Types you want to filter the user export by. Only users with matching member types will be exported
Privacy Type: Denotes which type of Personal Profile the User has e.g. Public, Private
Security Groups: Select to filter the export by Security Groups
Duplicate Email Users: Select to export users with duplicate email addresses in the CRM, once downloaded, you could use the User Import to Delete or Update users
Un-Used User Accounts: This will filter the export to only those accounts where users have not logged into the site
Archived Users Only: Select to export a list of archived users only. Note: Non-archived users will not be in this export if selected
Job Seeker: Select this option to filter records by Job Seeker. Users who are Job Seekers will only be exported
Permission and Preference Filters
Permissions: Select to filter by the permissions that the users have accepted Preferences: Select to filter by the Users' Preferences
Registration Filters
Filter By Registration Dates: Select to filter by From and To Registration Dates selected below
From Registration Date: Select to filter by users who have registered after the selected date
To Registration Date: Select to filter by users who have registered before the selected date
Conversion Event Filters
Conversion Event: Select to filter by Conversion Events. Only users which have triggered the conversion event will be included in the export
Filter By Event Dates: Select to filter by From and To Event Dates selected below
From Event Date: Select to filter by users who have triggered the Conversion Event after the selected date. If no Conversion Event is selected then this filter will not apply
To Event Date: Select to filter by users who have triggered the Conversion Event before the selected date. If no Conversion Event is selected then this filter will not apply
Topic Filters
CRM Topics: Select to filter by CRM Topics. If you use both CRM Topics and Keywords, it will match users with CRM Topic AND Keyword
Keywords: Select to filter by Keywords. If you use both CRM Topics and Keywords, it will match users with CRM Topic AND Keyword
Subscription Plan Filters
Subscription Plan: Select to filter which Subscription Plan you wish to export
Subscription Start: This is the start date of the Subscription i.e. the first Issue Date
Subscription End: This is the end date of the Subscription i.e. the last Issue Date
Subscription Status: Select the subscription status to filter for the export, default all users are selected, if however you have selected a subscription plan then you can filter by whether or not the users on that subscription plan are active or lapsed
Requested: Select to filter by the Requested attribute on subscriptions. If you select Requested then only users with requested subscriptions will be included in the User Export. Note that you should only ever use this attribute when exporting a single subscription, if you use it for more than one you might have users who have not requested subscriptions for all the ones they are on
Include All Subscription Plans: Select to include all the users' subscription plans, start and end dates in the export
Edition Filter
Editions: Select Editions to filter the export
Activity Data Filters
Include Activity Data: Select to include the No. Page Views, No. Logins and New Registrations (based on Activity Data Time Frame) in the export. Please note this could have an impact on the site performance and could significantly show down the export for large data sets
Activity Data Time Frame: Select the time frame for the data shown in the No. Logins / No. Page Views / New Registrations data columns
Activity Data Zone: Select the Zone for the No. Logins / No. Page Views / New Registrations data columns
Export from Contact List
Social > Contact Lists > Contact List > User Export
There is also a User Export button on the Contact List details screen.
Use it to export the contacts in the list, the User Export screen will appear after clicking on the button, filtering by that contact list.