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Affino Updates

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If you’re an active user of the website then you’ll notice a few changes over the past couple of weeks. The big Affino change is that we’re running the latest build of Affino 5.5.15 and as such have a host of new capabilities available to us. On top of that we’ve updated a number of page layouts and rolled out a few key new channels with useful content and videos.


This has been the first serious change to the Comrz site to better suit the needs of the Affino community, and we’ll be producing much more content in the future which will be invaluable to anyone looking to grow their business online through Social Commerce.


Here’s some of the highlights:




You will notice that there’s a lot of new Blog posts recently. All the posts have been requested at some stage or another over the past few weeks, so hopefully they will be useful references for people moving ahead. 


You’ll notice that the Blog itself has had a major makeover. The new layout is much more like a traditional blog and we’ve added some nice new features to the Blog Archive design element so you can now always see the details of the blog owner and have easy access to the feed.


We’ll be doing a couple of further tweaks over the next couple of days to improve the flow when reading a blog.


Affino Videos


We’ve launched a new Affino Videos channel. It’s very early days at the moment but we’ve started which means that you can expect a steady stream of useful videos in the future. Make sure you request videos which you need and we’ll look to create them for you.


In the process we’re doing lots of nice tweaks to improve the usability and presentation of the video player which will be out in the next release.


Affino News


We’ve launched a new Affino News channel using the Topic Channel feature. We’ve updated the look-and-feel of the main Topic Channel skin and it’s feeling a lot more useful now. Check it out for the latest Affino news from and the wider web.


As with the Videos channel, we’ve made a number of improvements to the Design Elements to make them more flexible and versatile.


Social Commerce News


The Social Commerce News channel is now a very useful source for tracking everything from the latest YouTube videos and Twitter Tweets through to the current Social Commerce press releases and news from the top Social Commerce publications.


Beta Mode


Whilst we’re trying out and QAing all the new technology there may be glitches apparent on Comrz. If you come across any then please let us know.

Markus Karlsson
Posted by Markus Karlsson
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