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Affino 7.5.7 Release - Design Tweaks and Bug Fixes

AffinoanalysisChannelcontrol centreCRMdesigndesign centredesign elementspublishSocial+-


This is primarily a quick Bug Fix release, but nonetheless it has some nice new features for responsive sites with the updated Site Search being the most anticipated as it now allows for reverse chronological searches with a greatly improved look and feel. We’ve also launched the new responsive newsletter sign-up page which has been keenly awaited.


More significantly in many ways, this release sees the v1 version or the Responsive Prime Related Content DE which will display all related ...

Affino 2013 Priorities - Update

AffinoanalysisAuto Scalingcommercecontrol centredesigndesign centreDevelopmentEvolutionLayoutpromotionresponsive designSocialStats+-
Affino 2013 Priorities Update

It’s the time of year where it’s good to review how far we’ve come with Affino’s development since we set out the 2013 Priorities. The big picture is that we’ve wrapped up one of the two biggest initiatives this year which was to re-architect Affino for super-scaling.




It took us half the year to get there, but we’re now seeing great up-time figures across the board for Affino’s SaaS services. There are still more ...

Affino 7.3 Release - Usability and Stability

Affinoanalysiscontrol centredesignexportsimportsjobReferral AnalysisUpgrade+-
Invites 3

Affino 7.3 is very much a usability and stability release prior to the major Affino 7.5 release, there are some great improvements though as always. Imports and Exports have greatly improved in this release. All imports are moving to XLS format making it easier to manage your products and allowing for much faster imports. 


We have another major invites update which makes Invites in Affino as good as any you’ll find. We’ve improved all aspects of the invites and now provide richer more ...

Affino 7.1 Release - Super Scaling and Deep Engagement

AccessActionAddressAdminAffinoanalysisanalyticsblogsChannelCompanycompetitionscontactsControlcontrol centreCRMdesigndesign centreDesign ScriptsDisplayDynamic FormseCardsEditingeventsForumhelpImageImagesIntegration ScriptsItemjobjobsLayoutloginMediaMenusNewsNewslettersPriceProjectspromotionpublishpublishingregistrationRelated ItemsSearchSectionSecurityseoservicesSettingsSkinSmartSocialStartStartingstatisticsSupportTestUpgradeZone+-

Affino 7.1 is now out, and it’s a major release in every way. Whilst there are many aspects to this Affino release, the two key threads are improved scaling and greater engagement. Affino 7.1 has been significantly re-architected to scale with new search and analytics engines. With the release of Affino 7.1 we will also be migrating sites to our new super-scaling cloud.


We’ve rolled out big updates to many core Affino services including Messaging, Search, Analysis, Customer Ladder and ...

Affino 7 on Mobile in Video & Images

AffinoComrzControlcontrol centreDAMImagesSearchSocialStart+-

Affino 7 has a mobile optimised Control Centre. We’ve tuned the interfaces to be fast and usable on the mobile. No need to Zoom or scroll around, just what you need where you expect it.


Here are some of the key management interfaces you will be using on your mobile:


Mobile Control Centre



Mobile Social Centre



Mobile Control Navigation



Mobile Content Search




Mobile Article Listing



Affino 7 Release

AccessAdminAffinoanalysisanalyticsblogsbusinesscoldfusioncommerceComrzControlcontrol centreCRMdesigndesign centredesign elementsDevelopmentDisplayDynamic FormseCardsEditingeventsfaqsFlashFlowForumhelpImagesItemjobjobsloginmain menuMediaMenusModulesNewslettersPriceProductivitypublishingregistrationRelated ItemsResourceSearchSecurityseoservicesSettingsSkinSocialsocial commerceStandardsStartStartingstatisticsSupportUnified Business PlatformUpgrade+-

Our priority for Affino 7 has been to make the most productive platform available for running your business online. The integrated nature of Affino means you only have to manage your community, content, products, design, , promotions and analytics in one place. This is by far the most effective approach for managing an online business. What we have done with Affino 7 is to improve in every way how how you manage your online business.


Affino 7 has a New Control Centre, with the pages ...

Affino 7 Control Centre Evolution

AffinoControlcontrol centredesigndesign centreDevelopmentDisplayEvolutionFlashMediapromotionSecuritySupport+-

The Affino 7 Control Centre will build on familiar metaphors. Behind the scenes it’s all change though with every single screen having been updated.


You will be more productive at doing almost any management task, whatever the context.


New Look


Expect a great new look. It’s a natural evolution for Affino, and is better suited to the mix of desktop and mobile environments Affino is used in. It will also be faster.


No Screen Left Behind


We ...

Affino 6.0.16 Release - Core Affino Updates

A to ZAccessActionAffinoanalysisanalyticsblogsChannelCompanyComrzcontactsControlcontrol centredesignDesign ScriptsDisplayDynamic FormseCardsecommerceeTestseventsFlashForumGuidehelpImageImagesItemjobjobsLayoutMediaMenusNewspollsPricingproject managementProjectspromotionpublishpublishingregistrationSearchSectionSecuritySettingsSkinSmartStartingstatisticsSupportUpgradeVideo PlayerZone+-
Privacy Cookie Policy

Affino 6.0.16 is the final significant Affino 6 release. It’s the culmination of a greatly improved Affino user experience where almost every interface has been enhanced during the course of the last couple of years. We’ve focused on smoothing out the remaining rough edges in Affino 6 and it’s now a whole level easier than it’s ever been.


This release sees the introduction of Cookie Policies to meet the EU Privacy Directive. These are smart and geo-targeted so ...

Affino 6.0.15 Release - Ecommerce, Usability and Recruitment

AccessAddressAffinoAJAXanalysisChannelComrzControlcontrol centredesigndesign elementsDevelopmentDisplayDocumentsecommerceEditingeTestseventsFlowGuidehelpjobjobsloginMediaMenusMessage BoardPassword ReminderProjectsregistrationSearchSectionSecuritySettingsSkinSocialsolutionsStartingstatisticsSupportUpgradeZone+-
Optimised Checkout

Affino 6.0.15 Release - Ecommerce, Usability and Recruitment


This release is the culmination of seven months work on the new Optimised Affino Checkout. During the course of the last six months we have rolled out dozens of incremental improvements (and fixes) to the checkout process to drive higher conversion rates. The checkout experience has been taken to the next level with a complete revamp for simple, fast checkouts. We’ve also rolled out a new ecommerce engine, greatly ...

Affino 6.0.13 Mindmap

Affinocampaign driven ecommercecontrol centreecommercefunding platformplatformsocial commerceusability+-
Affino 6.0.13 Mindmap v2

This release sees the biggest leap in Affino’s usability we have ever made. There have been hundreds of improvements made so that Affino is easier to learn and use. The biggest change is the complete reworking of the Control Centre, and although many of the changes are subtle, everything is now within easy reach. Two clicks and a swipe when using tablets or mobiles.


The usability changes go further to make it much easier to set up security, build page designs, style your sites, ...

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