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Subscription Renewal Profile Guide



If you are running Subscription Plans in Affino, the Subscription Renewal Profile allows you to automatically add users into a renewal process where their Subscription is about to expire and Affino can start sending renewal notices depending on x number of days prior expiry.


In this guide, you will learn in detail how to set up a Subscription Renewal Profile. 


Essentially you need to:


1.- Create the Renewal, Successful and Failed conversion events

2.- Go to the Subscription Renewal Profile screen and click on Add

3.- Set a Name and the number of Days Before Expiry

4.- Optionaly filter by Subscription Plan, Catalogue Items and Subscribers With Coupons

5.- Create the various Renewal Notices

6.- Set the previously created conversion events for Renewal, Successful and Failed

7.- Make the renewal profile Live



Create Subscription Renewal Profile

Firstly, start by creating a Subscription Renewal Profile. This is where you start configuring the Message Templates and rules on when to send the notice to those users.


Control > Settings > Subscription Renewal Profiles


Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to configure the Subscription Renewal Profile:

  • Subscription Plan - Select the free or paid Subscription Plan. This is a single selector which means you can't use the same Subscription Renewal Profile on multiples Subscription Plans.
  • Renewal Campaign Days Before Expiry - Enter the number of days before a subscription expires to start this automated renewal campaign workflow.
    • This will trigger the Renewal Campaign Start Conversion Event
    • Note: The Renewal Notices cannot be sent prior to this so the Days Before Expiry field on the Renewal Notice must be less than or equal to this value
    • For Pro Forma Orders the renewal notice will be sent to the purchaser / customer and not the subscriber
    • Note: The conversion events will not trigger for Pro Forma Orders that have multiple quantities or order line items
  • Renewal Message Campaign - Select the Message Campaign to send renewal notices from. This allows you to also include extra rules or filters in the Message Campaign, for example, you might want to make sure they are included in a Mailing List or perhaps they are part of a Contact List. This gives you the flexibility to send the right message to the right user.
  • Renewal Notice - Here you can add as many Renewal Notices by using the Add Row button. This will then open a new row with a set of fields.
  • Subject - Enter the Subject for the renewal notice. If empty, it will use the Subject from the Message Campaign.
  • Message Template - Select the Message Template used to send this renewal notice. If not selected, it will use the one selected on the Message Campaign.
  • Message - Enter the message body for this renewal notice. If empty, it will use the Message from the Message Campaign. Use the [_Renew_Subscription_] placeholder to place a link in the email notification, linking to the My Account > Subscription screen. On this screen, users will be able to renew their subscription, this if you have configured the Subscription Plan to have that option.
  • Days Before Expiry - Enter the number of days prior to renewal date to send this notice.
  • Send Time - Enter the time you wish the send the notification.


Conversion Events for Subscription Renewal

On the Subscription Renewal Profile, you also have the option to segment users in your Customer Ladder based on their stage within the renewal process, whether they have entered into their renewal process and had a successful or failed renewal.


Before you start assigning those Conversion Events to each stage, you will need to create them beforehand so you can select them in the Subscription Renewal Profile.


Please note: when creating those Conversion Events, make sure its trigger event is Manual Assign, as the renewal campaign stages will be its trigger event.


Renewal Campaign Start Conversion Event - Select the Conversion Event to be triggered when a renewal campaign starts.


Successful Renewal Campaign Conversion Event - Select the Conversion Event to be triggered when a renewal campaign is successfully renewed, i.e. the user has purchased or double confirmed their free subscription (by clicking the renew link in the email notification). Note: A scheduled task checks whether there is a subsequent subscription created (i.e. a more recent start date on the same subscription plan).


Failed Renewal Campaign Conversion Event - Select the Conversion Event to be triggered when a renewal campaign has failed. This is triggered 24 hrs after a user has been sent the final message if they haven't either purchased the catalogue item or double confirmed their free subscription. If the user does subsequently make a purchase or double confirm, they are removed from this conversion event. Note: Use a Manual Assign trigger for this conversion event.


As you probably might be aware, Conversion Events allows you to place them in Contact Lists, Mailing List and do many more so you can do your Marketing efficiently based on their usage and status. You can also use them to create Conversion Funnels. We encourage you to maximise the use of this.

Subscription Renewal Notifications


These are the conditions that determine whether a subscription renewal notice is sent:


1.- We exclude Subscriptions where the subscription's associated order has a Renewal Order


2.- We exclude Subscriptions where the Order is Cancelled


3.- We exclude Subscriptions which are not Active (Affino only checks subscriptions where the `Subscription Status = Active. Subscriptions with status such as Active Pending, Active Awaiting Payment, Suspended, Lapsed, etc are not considered)


4.- We exclude Subscriptions that Auto Renew (this means any auto-renewing subscriptions will not be sent the notification)


5.- We exclude Subscriptions where the "Do Not Send Renewal Notification" option is enabled (this means if the checkbox on the subscription is ticked (automatically or manually), we will not send the notification)


Note: the "Do Not Send Renewal Notification" checkbox appears for Active subscriptions only




Please check your setup so that the renewal notices are sent:

  • Check the Renewal Message Campaign does not have Filter By Mailing List ticked (unless you are adding all subscribers to this list via a conversion event and/or import). Note: you still need to select a mailing list as a required field so that it can be used to manage unsubscribes
  • Check the Message Template (if designed using the Message Template Builder) contains the Message Default Text element
  • Check the Renewal Campaign Start, Successful Renewal and Failed Renewal Conversion Events are set to Manual Assign (Trigger Event)
  • Check Automatic Renewal is not ticked on the Catalogue Item
  • Check the Email Profile and Sender email domain on the Message Campaign has the been set up and verified correctly so that it can can send emails via Affino
  • Check whether emails are being sent under Email Logs
  • Check you’re not testing on staging sites the Subscription Renewal Notice and Subscription Renewal Conversion Events scheduled tasks are not enabled
  • Check the Message Channel set on the Message Campaign is of Mailing List Type

Note: a Message does not need to be created with the Message Campaign, the message content is set in the Subscription Renewal Profile



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