Affino has a subscription module that delivers subscription signup and renewal workflows, up to the level of full autonomous subscription renewals via e-commerce using Stripe (credit and debit cards) and GoCardless (direct debits).
Affino also promotes products and subscriptions in particular, e.g. subscription offerings or promotions, with one in particular highlighted. This allows you to both set up the main subscription promotion screen, and run any combination of separate promotions with an alternative or discounted product propositions through either secured or hidden screens. Subscriptions can be both free and paid for in Affino. Ultimately they all end up in the same subscription listing and are handled the same way.
The key differentiator is that paid subscriptions are sold using Catalogue Items either on-site through eCommerce, or using Pro Forma Orders, while free subscriptions are associated with Mailing List.
The following steps are indispensable to setting up subscriptions:
1.- Setting up the pertinent security group
2.- Creating the Subscription Plan
3.- Associate the newly created Subscription Plan to a Catalogue Item
4.- Make sure to enable the Catalogue Item for Subscriptions
5.- Set up the Catalogue Item in Stripe (which is a Product)
6.- Associate the new Stripe product to the Catalogue Item
7.- Set up a Subscription Renewal Profile related to the Catalogue Item or Subscription Plan
8.- If required, add the Subscription Plan to a Mailing List
9.- Consult the available reporting screen for more insights, these are the Subscription Volume Report,
Subscription Member Report and Subscription Expiry Report
Note that there is plenty of on-screen help when managing any of these elements so make sure you have both the introductory help panel expanded and turn on the help when editing any of the items.
This step is essential for any type of subscription, whether it is paid or not. First you need to have mapped out which Content Security Rights you would like to grant access to subscribers once they are part of the Subscription Plan. Once the Content Security Right(s) is created, then assign them to the a Security Group. Then associate it with your Subscription Plan.
Control > Security > Content Security Rights > Security Right Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to create a Content Security Right:
Control > Security > Security Groups > Security Group Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to create a Security Group:
Control > Commerce > Subscription Plans > Subscription Plan Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to set up a Subscription Plan:
On this step, we will focus how to set up your Editions for your digital and print publication management. First, you need to create the Editon Profile, then a Product Line and then your Editions, which represent your issues. Here you can manage sign off, delivery and circulation dates.
Control > Publish > Edition Profiles > Edition Profile Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to set up the Editon Profile:
If you would like to find out more about how to reflect Editions on your site, we have a detailed help guide for it:
Control > Commerce > Product Lines > Product Line Edit
Product Lines have Product Categories which contain Catalogue Items. "Part of Print management, you have several Product Lines to each Product Category - individual units / publications / properties or elements Example. Product Line is brand or property, Product Category is website, magazine, conference, Catalogue Item is exhibition stand, ticket or sale item"
Control > Publish > Editions > Edition Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to set up the Editons:
This step will focus on setting up all of the eCommerce elements to have a paid subscription plan setup.
Now with the ability to sell auto-renewing subscriptions online, we recommend using Stripe and GoCardless payment gateways as these have continuously Credit Card payment and Direct Debit.
Control > Commerce > Payment Gateways > Payment Gateway Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to set up Payment Gateways:
When selecting Stripe:
When the Payment Gateway is created for Stripe, the Webhook URL is generated. Here are some references: Orders will be cancelled for the following events: charge.failed, subscription_schedule.canceled, customer.subscription.deleted. On stripe set the following Event Types: subscription_schedule.created, charge.succeeded, subscription_schedule.canceled, customer.source.expiring, charge.failed, customer.subscription.deleted
When selecting GoCardless:
When the Payment Gateway is created for GoCardless, the Webhook URL is generated. Here are some reference: Orders will be cancelled for the following events: mandates/failed, mandates/cancelled, payments/cancelled, payments/charged_back, payments/failed, subscriptions/cancelled
Once your chosen Payment Gateway is created, you need to set it as a Payment Method.
Control > Commerce > Payment Methods > Payment Method Edit
If you have created the Product Line on Part 2, then you can move straight to creating Product Category. If not, please create a Product Line before creating a Product Category.
Control > Commerce > Product Categories > Product Category Edit
Product Categories describe which type of saleable product this is e.g. data, advertising. Product Categories are associated with Product Lines within Edition Management - Category is the grouping element, and lines are the individual publications or properties within each relevant category.
When you have the above in place, you can start creating a Product Channel, if you don’t have one yet, and start creating your Product Articles. From this point, you need to start configuring your Catalogue Item (click on the dollar sign tag icon from the Product Article to create a Catalogue Item based on that product)
Control > Commerce > Catalogue Items > Catalogue Item
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to set up Catalogue Items accordingly for Subscriptions:
After this, complete the Price Matrix accordingly, you can introduce multiple pricing based on dates and/or Security by adding extra rows.
Once saved, associate the Subscription Plan against the Catalogue Item. This can be done using the Good link at the bottom of the screen when the Catalogue Item is saved. Click the Add button and relate the Subscription Plan.
Note: you can set the Price of a Catalogue Item to 0 if you want the subscription to be free (you can also manually create a free subscription from the Subscriptions screen).
If you are offering your subscription on different payment methods and different prices, you need to create a Catalogue Item per payment method including the price and group them in a Catalogue Groups. E.g. you could have a subscription which cost users £10 monthly via recurring payment (Stripe), £25 Quarterly via Direct Debit (GoCardless) or £80 Annually via Credit Card (Stripe). In this case, you need a Catalogue Item for each. Once you have them set up, group them on the Catagory Group as per the steps below:
Control > Commerce > Catalogue Groups > Catalogue Group Edit
Note: if you add more than one subscription plan to the catalogue item, or add a media item beside the subscription plan, and the catalogue Item is set to Automatic Renewal, then the eCommerce payment methods (i.e. Stripe, Go Cardless, etc) will not be shown during checkout. Only the Purchase Order option will appear as the available payment method.
Associate Mailing List with Subscription Plan for on-site subscriptions. To allow your customers to subscribe online you will need to create mailing lists that correspond with the subscription plans you offer. You might for instance just have one mailing list with an associated subscription plan to allow users to sign up for your newsletter messaging, print product and on-site subsection in one step.
Alternatively you might want to have three separate ones, one for the newsletter subscription, one for the digital subscriptions and a third for the print subscription. In that case you would set up two subscription plans as well and relate to each appropriate one from the relevant mailing list.
Control > Promote > Mailing Lists > Mailing List Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to set up Mailing Lists with a free Subscription Plan:
The Calculate Circulation button on the Edition allows you to calculation the number of users that meet the criteria for the print edition. This calculates all the active subscribers that fall within the Circulation Date.
Active subscribers are those that have a subscription on the circulation date with one of the following statuses
These subscribers will be included if their subscription Start/End date fall within the Circulation Date.
You can see all the active subscriptions on the main Subscription control centre screen.
You can easily add a free subscription here, re-assign subscriptions, suspend them or change the timeframe of the subscription.
If you wish to add a paid subscription, you will need to create a Pro Forma and assign Subscription Plan. We have a detailed guide on Sales, which includes creating Pro Forma:
You can filter by different subscription statuses, accounts, individuals, plans, timeframes and much more.
For the renewal date, Affino checks the order Creation Date and the subscription End Date.
The above will give us two dates:
1.- Order Creation Date: 14 Jan 2023 (+ the subscription interval)
2.- Subscription End Date: 9 Feb 2023 the Sub End
Based on those dates, Affino will generate the renewal 10 days before the earlier date, thus the renewal will be generated on the 4 Jan 2023.
The reason for the above is that payments can be taken straight away, even if the subscription starts at a later date.
Affino needs to have an order before the 14 Jan 2023 since the renewal payment will be taken on that date.
So for monthly renewals, Affino adds 30 days to calculate when to create the renewal order.
For the first renewal order only, there's minus 10 days in addition so it is there ready and listening for the webhook to confirm when the renewal is paid. Subsequent orders will use this same day per month to generate the next renewal (i.e. there's no minus 10 days again).
Order | Subs dates | Order generation date |
First order purchased 07 Oct 2024 | 07 Oct 2024 - 06 Nov 2024 | Creation Date: 07 Oct 2024 |
Second order | 07 Nov 2024 - 06 Dec 2024 | 07 Oct 2024 +30 days = 06 Nov 2024 so renewal order generated on 26 Oct 2024 (-10 days from 06 Nov 2024) |
Third order | 07 Dec 2024 - 06 Jan 2025 | renewal order generated on 26 Nov 2024 (do not -10 days again) |
Fourth order | 07 Jan 2025 - 06 Feb 2025 | renewal order generated on 26 Dec 2024 (do not -10 days again) |
Commerce > Orders
Commerce > Subscriptions
Commerce > Subscription Plans
For recurring subscriptions, where there is a clear chain of orders and previous orders, we set any subsequent ones as a renewal where the Order status is "Paid Full" and the Payment status is "Paid" or "Awaiting Payment Confirmation".
For those that are not chained, that is, when an order is Cancelled or its a one off order, Affino only checks the Catalogue Item that was previously purchased, so long as the Order status is "Paid Full" and the Payment status is "Paid".
There are no additional checks on time frame, price, subs plans or payment methods to determine whether it is a renewal.
This logic applies to all products, not just subscriptions.
1.- A customer purchases a trial subscription and renews onto a renewal catalogue item, the second order is a renewal as there is a chain. If they then cancel and purchase either the first or second catalogue item again at any time, this will be a renewal.
2.- A customer purchases Product A with Subscription Plan A, then the subscription lapses. If the customer purchases Product B with same Subscription Plan A, Affino does not create a renewal even though it has the same subscription plan, this is due to the Catalogue Item being different.
3.- A customer purchases a subscription and it is gifted or assigned to another person. If the other person purchases their own subscription, Affino will not deem this as a renewal.
Note: Affino does not automatically generate renewals for free subscriptions.
Free subscriptions can be manually renewed from the users My Account page or you can create a new, free subscription from the Subscriptions screen.
We have updated the Renew action when viewing subscriptions on My Account. For free subscriptions, the renew button is displayed from one year in advance until the Renewal Period After Expiry setting on the subscription plan.
For paid subscriptions, the button is displayed depending on the setting in the Store Profile, and only shown in the event that there is no subsequent renewal or cancellation. We have also updated the Renewal workflow so that if a Renewal Catalogue Item is selected on the Catalogue Item the users purchased, then that is added to the basket and the user taken to the checkout. It is now also possible to cross-check from subscriptions through to their underlying orders through the Order Number shown against relevant subscriptions.
There is also the option to let customers cancel their own subscription from My Account screen. It is now possible for customers to cancel their subscriptions on their My Account. This is an option that is displayed on the My Account screen when enabled. In the event that a person wishes to cancel their subscription, they will need to double confirm on-screen and are then sent a cancellation notification message. Note that this won’t cause an immediate cancellation, rather the renewal will be cancelled. When cancelled a cancellation message is sent.
We have introduced a new Channel type to promote products, and subscriptions in particular. It is now possible to set up a Channel / Promotion Profile with a group of products, e.g. subscription offerings or promotions, with one in particular highlighted. This allows you to both set up the main subscription promotion screen, and run any combination of separate promotions with alternative or discounted product propositions through either secured or hidden screens.
Each product promotion panel offers multiple spaces for highlighting the benefits of the offer and to provide additional promotion messages e.g. best value, most popular, getting started etc. We have designed the whole process so that you can have a single promotion Skin which can be used on multiple channels with different promotion offerings, all with minimal additional setup, especially on the design side. It is also possible to directly edit the promotions from the app bar. We have also enhanced the checkout to ensure that when a user goes ‘back’ they return to the relevant promotion they were on.
Control > Commerce > Promotion Profiles > Promotion Profile Edit
After the Promotion Profile has been set up, create a Promotion Channel.
Control > Structure > Channels > Channel Edit
Here are some of the key fields, with help text, that you will need to create a Promotion Channel:
Control > Publish > Articles > (Add/Edit) > Upsell
Product type articles (Simple and Advanced) have the Upsell panel, where you can choose the Upsell Product and Upsell Message so you can persuade customers to purchase a more expensive, upgraded, or premium version of the chosen item.
Upsell Product: This is an existing catalogue item.
Choose the desired catalogue item, it will be shown to the right of the of the main items information.
Upsell Message: Set an text message related to the upsell product/catallogue item.
Control > Commerce > Catalogue Items > (Edit) > Subscription > Renewal Catalogue Item
You can up-sell a subscription by using the Renewal Catalogue Item option:
The renewal catalogue item can be a more expensive or lengthy subscription.
Once the time comes for renewal, the catalogue item set in that field will replace the one associated to the current subscription.
This happens automatically.
It is possible to import subscribers by simply having the mailing list subscription column filled in with the appropriate mailing list
You then run the user import to activate the subscriptions. In the event that subscriptions have lapsed you can import a single lapsed subscription per user at a time.
It is possible to export all contact details including their subscriptions for given subscription timeframes and whether or not they’re requested or active / lapsed.
It is also possible to filter by Print Product so you get the contact list for label printing etc.
Active - user has a current subscription (free or paid), i.e. subscription has not yet expired.
Active Awaiting Payment - user has a current subscription and the order is awaiting payment confirmation
Active Cancel - the Renew Action has been set to Cancel. A current subscription exists and no renewal order or subscription will be generated. If it has already been generated, the renewal order is cancelled and subscription is suspended.
Active Renew - the Renew Action has been set to Renew. A current subscription exists with an intention to renew, the renewal order / subscription will be generated in due time.
Active Pending - a subscription has not yet started, e.g. the subscription starts next month
Cancelled - this subscription has been cancelled.
Inactive Not Paid - a subscription is not active and the order has not been paid, i.e. the payment status is Not Paid
Lapsed < 60 days - a subscription has expired within 60 days and has not yet been renewed
Lapsed > 60 days - a subscription has expired more than 60 days and has not been renewed
Lapsed Awaiting Payment - a subscription has lapsed, however a renewal order is awaiting payment confirmation.
Renewed - this subscription has been successfully renewed, i.e. the renewal order has been paid and renewal subscription is active.
Suspended - the subscription has been suspended either manually, i.e. the Renew Action has been set to Suspend or automatically if payment cannot be collected through the payment gateway - the renewal order is cancelled, the renewal subscription is suspended and the current subscription is cancelled.
This guide is intended to provide a detailed description of the various Subscription scenarios that Affino caters for along with their relevant order status, payment status and subscription status.
It also includes general information about how the automated subscription generation, renewal, and cancellation workflows function and how they can be configured in Affino.
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