The most productive tools are the ones that everyone can make use of and work on together. Yet so much software is stifled and limited by who and how many can use it. It used to be a big thing 20 years ago that most software was sold on a per-user or per-seat licence. It’s a surprise really that so many vendors are still persisting with this old-fashioned limitation for company-wide systems.
For modern digital business and website software you would really want all your staff to be able to get involved in propelling the business forward. Sharing the load on editorial, services and support. The per-seat cost is a hidden cost to a degree, whose impact can ramp up quite alarmingly once you get into the mechanics of growing and supporting a full-service business.
The Affino Unified Digital Business Platform has always been sold on the basis of a site licence. A universal licence which allows businesses to utilise all the resources at their disposal in any way they see fit. It allows for far more dynamism and agility, particularly in scaling up the business. And once the core solution has been implemented, the ongoing costs are more under your control. Not so with per-seat, where ongoing organic changes to human resources pose an additional level of complexity.
For publishing businesses which have dozens of writers and editors, the per-seat model quickly becomes cost-prohibitive and unwieldy, and moreover does not really match with the typically freelance and contracted / guest writer nature of the medium. When costing out a solution, it is important to be aware of the many hidden costs of that solution, and how these might impact at a future point. It is certainly in your best interests to know what you are in for, and what may be required of you to meet changing market conditions.
The central idea behind Affino is that the whole business can make use of the system, interact with and benefit from a more in-depth knowledge of their customers’ activities. Affino is fairly unique in its universal and broad scope of activities, and how everything is centralised through a core integral CRM and single user database. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that other seemingly similar solutions are just structurally incapable of offering what Affino does by default.
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