At the start of the Covid period, we determined that we would need something of a lighter touch to contrast that societal darkness. And so we set out to wholly revamp the website - to make it clearer, more streamlined, fresher, and more friendly - while rolling out various new technologies and functionalities. We greatly expanded the colour palette and introduced a number of more vibrant tones to meet that purpose.
I and Designer Mark Foster, with help from Lead Front-End Developer Luismi Montiel have worked on some 7 iterations of the new framework - which is now finally fully pervasive. With our busy projects schedule - this was accomplished on the ’back burner’ and using the in-between days for Client Projects.
As per the title - this is just intended to be a whistle-stop tour of some of the new site highlights - to serve as a record, and source of inspiration for others in how they might wish to evolve their own sites.
I had intended this to be something of a PechaKucha overview with 20 slides, and I’ve in fact ended up with just 2 more - which was needed to adequately document the changes and innovations.
The Home Page in phase 1 started with no animation on the ’Affino Wheel’, and no Top Panel Menu - which were each added during the iterative faces. All is anchored by a main floating menu - and the Home Page serves to give a complete overview of Affino’s Key Activities
As mentioned in the intro - the Top Menu Panel was added in the second or third iteration - and gives a great lead into the Solutions section. Here we first introduced those colourful iconographic buttons too.
As other parts of the site grow - we may well roll out some further menu panels of this type - to proceed a more contextual overview for the underlying content.
Clean, Clear and Intuitive.
For Solutions we did an enormous exercise to simply and streamline the Affino Unified Business Solution overview - breaking that down into just 11 Elements - to fully represent all of Affino.
Previously we had a more detail-oriented overview which listed hundreds of different individual features and functions. We determined that the current format would be preferable for most prospects.
The 11 Elements being :
As such a comprehensive solution - it's often difficult for Affino customers and prospects to keep tabs on all the great innovations that Affino commands - Hopefully the new format and pervasive Topics will help simplify the process of keeping up-to-date with Affino's many capabilites.
The Top Element entry features the same structure as all of these:
Note also the iconographic browsing menu to the right - encouraging further follow-up.
This section used to be knowns as Affino Projects - now significantly updated with more visual flare and more consistency in format and structure.
The latest case studies in particular contain a lot more detail than you would expect to find in similar accounts.
Just a slight touch-up here really - this part of the site has always looked colourful and appealing.
Rolling Circa 30 Featured Clients / Sites List.
This is one of the 4 featured Audience / Sector Target Pages alongside :
All have those great colourful icons button menus for easy overview and navigation.
Affino for Professional Services is distilled into 12 segments :
Thanks to James Harley, Head of Marketing and Business Development at Drewry, for insights into this sector.
Another significantly streamlined area - distilled into just 3 key segments now :
Testimonials have been refreshed, review and restored!
It can be tricky to keep testimonials fully up-to-date and current. So we've made a concerted effort to acquire fresher takes where pertinent and update all those that apply.
Different clients have different rates of response when handling these - so expect this to evolve quite significant over the year.
The Affino Insights section has been somewhat sharpened, brightened and refined. Slightly better use of space and related resources now.
Go here for the more in-depth and technical analysis and overviews.
This content is mostly secured and metered for registered users and members.
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Events started out as being just Affino Internal Events, while we're now looking to include all pertinent target sector events - where relevant.
Still to come in this area are the Client/Member Collaboration Forums and Seminar Schedules - which will be increasingly important for Affino's forthcoming internal events - like the Affino Innovation Briefing Event planned for end of March.
Here we were pipped by the always excellent TTG Media - who were the first to put up a Coronavirus Hub - in fact first in pretty much every sector.
We pretty much knew this to be a great idea - and were already planning our own - we of course though need to work within the gaps in the Project schedule to dedicate some time to
Ours was still pretty much in the first wave of these, but a few of our Clients got their first - mostly with our help too!
We're hugely proud over how most Affino Clients took on a leadership toll in their own sectors - with much the same concept that TTG Media introduced to us all!
Our page is broken down into two segments - Latest News and Insights, and Useful Resources - the latter of which lists out the various Affino Client Coronavirus Hubs and Help/Support pages on that same subject.
We're in the process of rolling out a number of Key Topic Landing Pages.
Our GDPR page was the first of these a while ago, and the newer versions are a somewhat refreshed take on the same mechanic - grouping together all pertinent content on the same subject.
So in this format we currently have dedicated pages for
With several more to come. This all involves an intricate process of Topic Setting and assignment to all pertinent site content - per different categories.
Blogs have pretty much been brought into alignment with the changes we made to Insights - with a much more expansive grid-like listing structure now - and better delineated related resources.
The colour-coding is still strong - with most visuals appearing in the duo-tone or tri-tone colour schema. We've generally brightened up those visuals more recently and used more orange as an accent colour.
A brighter and friendlier format / take for our About Affino / Key Personnel page. Featuring most of the usual suspects!
This recent addition documents Affino Article Coverage on other sites.
That is to say featured Affino articles in key publications, and on key publishing sites.
Easily one of my favourite new pages on the site.
This is essentially a mix of Press Kit elements and Affino Branding elements - it covers
This is such an everyday essential resource for me and a proper Marketing toolbox as such - every site should have one of these - it separates the wheat from the chaff!
The last area to be updated owing to some custom scripting for Help Guide formatting.
Affino Support Resources have vastly expanded in both depth and breadth over the last 12 months.
Covered in this segment are:
All icons and frameworks have been further refreshed and re-colourised to the new schema.
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Mark Foster's Elegant Design Training Video Guides - neatly structured into key categories.
Design Training covers :
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Refreshed and reformatted Member Welcome Page.
Every new registrant gets taken to this screen once they complete registration :
Affino's new / smart Bookmarking Utility / Page - where you can now gather together all your favourite site references in one place.
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Another New Affino Function / Page.
These are all the key Site Topics - where you can identify exactly what Topics you are interested in - you can then select email notification frequency - meaning you get notified whenever new content appears against those preferred Topics.
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