A slight switch-up on the Ali riff - who’d want to sting like a Bee anyway, a once only sting which leads to a ruptured abdomen and instant death for the protagonist. Far better to sting with the power of an Asian Hornet - the most formidable and lethal of flying stingers, with unparalleled stamina in the action department. Yet as we all know, power means nothing without control. You can have the most powerful engine in the world, but without sufficient vehicle downforce and traction, all that power is wasted, dangerous even - it has to be properly harnessed for optimal success.
By the same token, for a Digital Business Solution / Platform to be wholly effective, it needs to marry up extensive power with smart and refined control. We have just such a candidate for you in the form of the Affino Unified Digital Business Platform - an incredibly powerful single-source system, for which every key user activity can be monitored and controlled through a singularly capable interface.
Affino comprises of Analysis, CMS and CRM, CDN and DAM, Ecommerce and Funding, Collaboration, Community and Engagement, Events and Recruitment - all alongside Process, Sales and Marketing Automation. There really is no single solution more powerful than this, and most importantly, it is all controlled through a single core database, which maintains robust data integrity and allows very precise and pervasive administration and execution.
The ’float’ / control analogy is further underlined by Affino’s hosting infrastructure, which features dual automated backups, auto-scaling and auto-recovery - for incredibly robust and powerful responsive handling of most digital business scenarios. As well ready capacity for rapid business growth and International expansion.
Because Affino enables such tight control over all these core activities, the total power it wields across all its competencies can be ramped up to levels which would be too unstable and precarious for similar multi-solution alternatives. On several occasions already Affino has stepped in to replace overly convoluted setups which continuously crashed the servers powering them. There are things you can do with Affino which just would not be viable through a multi-solution approach.
If you want to experience the power of full-throttle and high-flying digital business, you should certainly add Affino to your shortlist of likely candidates ...
Note - for further details of the power that Affino contains - ’5 to 100 Ways Affino Improves your Business’ is a good starting point.
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