To all you Jedis and Siths, Rebels and Imperialists we wish you an enjoyable commemorative Star Wars Day and pray to The Force for the release date of the 3D Blu-ray version of The Force Awakens, which is long overdue. For all of us Star Wars fans, there has never been more ado about matters relating to Star Wars than exactly now.
After a successful reboot of the film franchise, we can now look forward to a whole heap of feature films, starting with ’Rogue One’ on December 14th-16th depending where in the world you are, then Episode VIII in December 2017, a Han Solo Project in May 2018, Episode IX in May 2019 and a still to be defined anthology film scheduled for 2020.
If you are into Star Wars, it is wholly immersive now, no matter which direction you look - Cartoons on the TV, various games including the disappointing Battlefront, and hopefully the more exciting forthcoming Lego Star Wars game. And then there is all the merchandising, the lunch boxes, figurines, accessories and accoutrements and long-time favourite - Lego Star Wars.
There are always a few items on my Star Wars wishlist, and May Fourth may just give us the excuse we need to acquire a little more memorabilia. I’m particularly taken by the Feudal-Japanese-inspired Bandai Star Wars figures, such as the Ashigaru Storm Trooper pictured above - Darth Vader and Bobba Fett variations also available.
I still have the ambition to acquire a full suit of Storm Trooper armour some day (for Cosplay purposes obviously), made more difficult by deciding which era to go for - would be amazing though to have a full suit of the Ashigaru version (Bathroom breaks a key consideration!).
Anyway, in the spirit of International goodwill, be positive to all your brothers and sisters all round the world at least for this one day ...
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