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The Real Deal of Affino Sales and Marketing Automation

AffinoAffino Automated Customer LadderAffino Social Commerce PlatformAutomated MessagingAutomated TriggersConsumer IncentivesCRMCustomer EngagementCustomer ExperienceCustomer Experience Managementcustomer ladderCustomer Relationship ManagementCustomer RewardsCustomer Servicemarketing automationResourceSales & Marketing Automationsales automationSocial Connectors+-

There have been a large number of articles in the past couple of months pitching and debunking the different angles on Sales and Marketing Automation (SMA). For most companies SMA means adding yet another layer of software / systems on top of an already highly complex suite of solutions. Most articles conclude that Sales and Marketing Automation is really only for the largest of companies, that it is not practically viable for small to medium enterprises.

One of the key things we at Affino do is to declutter and demistify the process and purpose of digital business / commercial website ownership. Affino’s Seamless Holistic Solution has SMA built into the core of the system, alongside CMS, Ecommerce, Community and Analytics. The truth is that modern business / digital business is highly complex and without a singular system like Affino, it is almost impossible to manage properly.

A key myth for any website or digital business is that these things entirely run themselves. What you have in reality though is an engine, and we are talking about the difference between a steam engine and a modern computer-controlled one. The analogy is really about the change in focus from shovelling coal to fine-tuning where the engine takes you and how. With modern digital businesses systems like Affino, you still have to fuel and fine-tune them, but your resources are spent on making the journey more enjoyable versus just ensuring that the engine runs.

What does Sales and Marketing Automation deliver for all companies?

  • Effectiveness - Modern Marketing including Growth Hacking is highly complex and active across dozens of different mediums and contact points, you simply cannot track and action everything manually
  • Efficiency - With Affino, a single person can accomplish the actions and activities of an entire team or small division
  • Scale - Target, track and respond to millions of activities
  • Reach - Modern Business and the Internet is truly Global, you have untapped customers around the world
  • Scope (24/7) - Every business has limited operating / office hours, yet customer interest can be aroused at any time

The 7 Essential Principal Parts of Affino Sales and Marketing Automation

  1. Customer Ladder - Sales and Marketing Automation is core to Affino, as part of the Automated Customer Ladder, it ties in with every activity and every contact point of your digital business / website / mobile presence
  2. Analytics - Tracking, logging, charting, trending every customer click, action and activity
  3. Triggers - Setting Trigger Points or Conversion Events to automatically respond to 47 different types of activity
  4. Messaging - Trigger automated responses to prompt, guide and reassure your customers - via mass mailers, private communications, updates and content subscriptions
  5. Social Connectors - Affino automatically distributes and feeds content out to social hubs including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
  6. Incentives and Rewards - Utilise Points, Credits, Badges and other incremental privileges to motivate customers
  7. CRM - Affino’s comprehensive CRM brings everything together onto dynamic Single-Customer-View dashboards which allow you to truly manage Customer Engagement and Experience on a person-to-person level
Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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