When considering the deployment of a new digital business, most companies are aware of the standard approaches to implementing a solution. Going wholly bespoke, utilising an enterprise stack, or going mid-range pick-and-mix are the main ones that come to mind. All those 3 approaches have significant downsides- going bespoke is incredibly expensive and time-consuming, it relies entirely on input from just a single perspective and does not benefit from innovations and synergies that evolve out of more commonly shared platforms. The enterprise stack is equally expensive - often more so, and you are paying a huge premium for very complicated technology, most of which you will never use, and all of which you need developers and consultancy help to change or update in any significant way. The pick-and-mix approach means selecting several distinct technologies and knitting them together by a variety of methods including APIs - which makes for very resource-intensive system management - your classic plate spinning scenario - where different elements move and update at varying speeds, which in turn means you spend a disproportionate amount of resources simply ensuring that all the parts are still just talking to each other.
The fourth option is to go with a Unified / Single-Source platform like Affino - where the vast majority of the key solution components are integral parts of the same system. The system just works - you don’t need to deploy a whole team just to maintain basic function, and you certainly don’t need to deploy resources to de-dupe databases, as everything in Affino runs through a single core database. You don’t need to contend with multiple different control screens or diverse interfaces - as Affino is truly and wholly ’Single Customer View’ giving you complete authority and overview of each and every customer’s activities - actions, interactions and transactions.
Affino combines Analysis, CMS, CRM, Community, Customer Incentivisation and Engagement, DAM, Ecommerce and Sales & Marketing & Process Automation - all in one singularly seamless experience. It also contains more specialist elements like Collaboration, Fund-raising and Recruitment. When we say Affino is a complete and holistic digital front-end solution, few comprehend how broad its capaibilities are. Equally importantly, Affino is designed and delivered with empowerment and productivity in mind, so that those deploying the solution can be wholly in control of and innovate their own digital business on their own terms - without regular need for 3rd party specialist involvement.
The Affino solution architecture is as significant an innovation now, as curtain-walls were for architecture in the 80’s. Of course with a proviso on how big and how complicated you want to go, generally solutions can be engineered and deployed via Affino - much more quickly and more cost-effectively than through other comparative means, and the benefits are unparalleled.
It’s usually quite a big ask to expect companies to wholesale swap out most of their existing solutions for Affino. So we encourage people to start small - try Affino out for just one minor part of your business and then scale up and roll-out further when that approach is deemed successful. For entirely new businesses, it should be something of a no-brainer to consider Affino - as Affino will most always get you where you want quicker or more cost-effectively than the alternatives. Once you have Affino you spend far less time managing the actual solution, and are freed up to innovate and evolve your business with dynamism and agility.
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