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Affino Social Commerce Blog

Key Ecommerce Trends for 2013


Ecommerce is speeding up, and no one is safe if they’re not fully committed to meeting the evolving market head on. 2013 will see big winners and losers as more shopping goes digital.


Here are some of the key trends for the coming year.




Nothing comes close in importance to being able to tailor the buying experience for each and every one of the shoppers who comes to you, whether it’s online, on mobile devices, kiosks, in-store or via ...

Affino 6.0.15 Release - Ecommerce, Usability and Recruitment

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Optimised Checkout

Affino 6.0.15 Release - Ecommerce, Usability and Recruitment


This release is the culmination of seven months work on the new Optimised Affino Checkout. During the course of the last six months we have rolled out dozens of incremental improvements (and fixes) to the checkout process to drive higher conversion rates. The checkout experience has been taken to the next level with a complete revamp for simple, fast checkouts. We’ve also rolled out a new ecommerce engine, greatly ...

Social Connectors

This is the first in a series of posts to give everyone a quick heads up on some of the up-and-coming tech from the Affino Development Team. At any time we tend to have three or four projects on the go. Some of these are customer focused and some are core Affino focused.


Ultimately they’re all focused on delivering the best Social Commerce services and solutions we can.


As I’ve posted earlier, we have our four priorities:


1) Quality

2) Commerce

3) ...

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