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Affino Ramps Up Services and Support throughout 2020 for a Deeper and More Connected Client Experience


This past year has seen a host of significant improvements in Affino’s Advisory and Support services. At the the core of the new excellence in service delivery is a whole range of investments we have made in building up a dedicated in-house support team, upgrading all our existing help guides and creating dozens more, introducing FAQs and design video guides and evolving all our training courses and advisory services significantly.


Growing Customer Service Team

As a leading proponent of efficiency and productivity, Affino has always been a lean and streamlined operation. We also place a significant importance on all aspects of customer care, so brining on board Jose Claramunt to run the customer service site of Affino has been a milestone in advancing all the support services this past year. We have a major focus on pro-active help. This means solving issues before they occur. To that end we have also invested heavily in a core usability enhancement focus within the Affino SaaS service. Improving the inline help, renaming and re-organising everything from where control screens can be found, through to updating the entry forms to be as usable as possible, and introducing a higher level of consistency to all the data, imports and exports.


Jose and Sebastian Salcedo our Product Manger have together transformed our response times both to tracking down support issues, and getting them resolved, acting as a fulcrum for the extended Affino support team and tightly liaising with the product and project teams to provide a wholistic approach to addressing any issues that arise. We have seen a significant improvement in response times and overall customer satisfaction as a result.


Help Guides and FAQs Where and When you need them

At the same time we have been able to accelerate the process for generating the necessary documentation and guides - and customers will have noticed that for the last number of releases, the documentation has been ready right from launch - and wholly in line with when the Release Notes go live. This means entirely new guides to match the new features within the release, and dozens of updates to existing guides where needed to that they are always up to date.


The introduction of FAQs over the past year means that common questions now have quick answers, and shortcut the need to post most common questions through the forums. We have expanded the scope of documentation to cover more depth and more angles, so that everyone has the answers at their fingertips when they are needed.


Introducing Video Guides

We would like to bring further attention to our excellent Design Training Video Guides produced by Mark Foster our Head of Design and Build. This essential series of 20 video guides gives you the foundation for fully delivering your websites on Affino - providing detailed instructions on how Affino’s design frameworks works.


Monthly Affino Intelligence Briefings

Our CEO Markus Karlsson has been sharing essential trending data this year courtesy of his near monthly Intelligence Briefing Reports - which first went live after the first full month of lockdown. These provide key topline behavioural pattern analysis which helps managers and key decision makers appraise where on the curve their own business is operating, what opportunities there are, how is the overall market behaving, and what additional provisions may need to be made.


Essential Topic Hubs - Coronavirus and GDPR

Our own Coronavirus Hub is still going from strength-to-strength and continues to showcase what Affino clients are doing to survive and thrive during this pandemic. If you have positive and valuable insight to share on how you are growing and succeeding with the broader Affino Community - please don’t hesitate to get in touch - so that we might all benefit from such wisdom. The GDPR hub also continues to be an essential resource for clients rolling out their compliance initiatives. Improvements itself has seen a host of updates this year, with greatly improved product overviews for referencing Affino’s core capabilities. New Features Affino clients, new format help guides and enhanced forums.


We also introduced a number of new Insights guides including the new loyalty scheme service in Affino, and the practical series of guides on moving from free to paid subscriptions.


Evolved Training

Over the past few months we have evolved all our training courses so that they can be fully delivered online to distributed teams. Along the way we have improved the course content considerably, building on each training session delivered, and have enhanced key training assets above and beyond the support hub, including and to better serve the community.


Increased Coordination

Our Product and Development Teams have never been busier, and we’re rolling out more and more extensive new functionality and whole new sub-systems and apps on a regular basis. With the extra resources deployed, Affino’s Support provision has never been wider in scope, nor quite so timely. The key result of all of this being a substantial rise in overall customer satisfaction.


Even in the shadow of Covid-19 and with so much uncertainty surrounding all businesses and operations, we have felt a tangible rise in the degree and level of customer satisfaction - right across the board. If anyone wants even more due care and attention - please get in touch with your Account Manager to schedule a consultation and resolution.

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