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Affino features prominently once more in InPublishing's Publishing Partners Guide

AffinoAffino Unified Business PlatformInPublishingPublishing Partners Guide+-
Affino feature in the InPublishing Publishing Partners Guide

Affino is in the PPG once more!

InPublishing's Publishing Partners Guide features Affino again

Affino features prominently in the PPG 2023 Guide

View Affino’s Full Entry below - one of 82 specialists featured in the guide - which this year will have a distribution of 10,000 printed copies. Affino is proud to be part of this powerful initiative once again.

Affino's Publishing Partners Guide Full Entry - Page 32

Affino feature in the InPublishing Publishing Partners Guide

> View PPG Page 32


Unified Business Platform

Affino is the leading Unified Business Platform for media, publishing, events, membership and professional services organisations. The Affino SaaS Platform provides a complete single customer view solution for engaging with and monetising audiences. It combines full-range Audience CRM with Sales and Marketing Automation, Ecommerce, Subscriptions and Memberships, Messaging, CMS, Events, Ad Serving and Recruitment. Affino helps streamline and make organisations more efficient, more cost-effective, and more productive, as well as delivering numerous new revenue stream capabilities not possible via alternative means. The fully GDPR-compliant system is built on the principles of Actionable Intelligence – prompting and triggering intuitive rapid responses based on fully accurate and comprehensive first-hand real-time data.


Smart Automation

The key automation components in Affino are its Customer Ladder and Conversion Events functionalities, which connect and automate every facet of a user’s connection and interaction. Users can set up incredibly far-reaching chained workflows which can grant permissions, credits and other user rewards and incentives. The Smart Converting Articles functionality tracks the last items of content a prospect consumed before they bought something – physical or digital. They are essential for identifying what drives sales.


Operational Efficiencies and Productivity

With the Affino Unified Business Platform, everything is seamlessly interconnected, and unlike typical hybrid enterprise stack solutions, with complex integrations, you spend no time maintaining those pre-existing interrelations in Affino. Because Affino does so much of the heavy lifting, and integrates with ease, its clients can deploy far more of their resources to targeting business opportunities. Affino is a universal platform that can be used by all staff, customers and members equally. Extensive site security means businesses can partition the solution and collaborate across all departments. Where with other approaches you typically get every department using their own independent solutions rather than working together.


Speed of Deployment

With Affino’s inherent interconnected capabilities, project progress tends to be faster than for
equivalent hybrid systems, and Affino clients can be more fluid and agile than their competitors. It is engineered for the smallest teams to make the most impact. Affino is one of the few systems that has been providing comprehensive first-party data and intelligence from the start. It is future ready for third party cookie blocking. The smart analytics screens and dashboards allow you to monitor every aspect of your audience’s activity – and to create further automations and triggers from their behaviours.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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