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Affinophant to replace old Traffic Light Error Screen

AffinoAffinophantError ReportingError ScreenusabilityUser Experience+-

The Old Traffic Light Error Screen (as per screencap below) has been in Affino for nearly a decade - and quite frankly is well passed its sell-by date.


When we first saw Twitter’s Fail Whale, we were a little envious of the simplicity of that error screen, and resolved to do something similar for Affino at some stage in the near future. Of course whales being held airborne by small fluttering birds is hardly relevant to Affino territory - so it took us a wee while to come up with our own visual to represent things being somewhat out of kilter.


I will leave it up to you good viewers to interpret the visual, obviously there are some balls, an elephant and a mouse involved! We sincerely hope you don’t see too much of the above screen, but if you do happen to view it, hopefully you will be ever so slightly amused / bemused by the visual composition.


This screen will be appearing in a forthcoming release - perhaps even this current forthcoming release - Brucie Bonus for first person to call it in.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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