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Farmers Guardian Innovates with 24 Hours in Farming Live Blog

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With the recent ongoing milk crisis, Farming in the UK is a hot subject at the moment. UK citizens though know relatively little about the typical daily activities of this major industry - which essentially feeds the nation and keeps us healthy and well-nourished day-by-day.


Farmers Guardian is the home of Farming in the UK, and is curating and live-blogging a series of events and activities over these next 24 hours - to give the nation a real insight into the daily goings-on of different farmers’ lives. ’24 Hours in Farming’ is essentially a Live Blog - which broadcasts events as they happen from 05:00 today through to 05:00 tomorrow.


It is still not too late for farmers to participate by tweeting with ’#farm24’, emailing to or calling 01772 799401.


For all us others, it is a fantastic opportunity to support our farmers and follow their travails through this coverage. You need but hit the home page of FG Insight to catch what’s going one, with coverage also coming via Twitter and Facebook.


Support UK Farmers! Follow ’24 Hours in Farming’ & ’#farm24’!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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