We would like to thank everyone who made the trek to The Drum Labs in Shoreditch last Thursday. It is the first time we’ve seen many of you face-to-face for a good couple fo years. Inevitably numbers were of course down on previous years, with a significant number who were unable to attend on the week owing to the evolving pandemic, Everyone who did turn up was in rare form - and the atmosphere was incredibly congenial throughout - a real pleasure to meet you all again.
The Affino Innovation Briefing went off flawlessly, once we made some final tech Changes. Thank you to Nick Creed, Diane Young and Paul Varela for taking such good care of us. The breakfast spread was quite superb - with artistically arranged fruit platters and mini cupcakes in addition to the usual high quality breakfast pastries.
Sincere thanks also to our guest presenters Jonathan Chevallier of Charity Digital and Steve Hinds of TTG - who conducted two of the most immersive sessions we’ve witnessed to date.
All the essentials references are now up on the Affino Innovation Briefing Page. Where you can access via combination Showcases, or go direct to individual Videos or Presentation PDFs.
Accessible through the same page are the full Interactive Itinerary - with the video recording of each segment dynamically assigned. There's also access to the Collaboration Forums - should you have further questions for each of the key segment presenters.
We all feel it was one of the best Briefing sessions yet - and we hope everyone who attended enjoyed themselves and found the programme enlightening. Team Affino certainly enjoyed meeting all of you - with everyone on such good form.
Thanks also go to our own speakers - Markus, Q, and José Claramunt, truly an enriching experience all-round. Our Jonathan also did another amazing turn as Compere for the day - his bubbly enthusiasm was infectious for sure.
Please feel free to get in touch with any of our experts if you wish to follow up on the various topics further which were raised at the event. We hope all of those who did not make it can be with us at the next one - and we hope you like our recorded materials and references too - which appear here pretty much unadulterated.
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