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Full Coverage of the Affino Innovation Briefing 2022 now Live on

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2022 Affino Innovation Briefing

Full Coverage of November 17th Affino Innovation Briefing now Live on

Access all the key resources and references for our recent Affino Innovation Briefing Event

Recap on last Thursday's Affino Innovation Briefing Event courtesy of online recordings and resources

We’re delighted to report that Full Coverage and all pertinent resources for the recent November 17th Affino Innovation Briefing are now Live on the Affino Innovation Briefing Page. [Site Registration and Login required]


So for all of you who were unable to make it on the day you now have the entirety of that event at your fingertips - including additional resources as covered below.


For those of you who attended - we thank you for your time, and we welcome you to recap and reminisce on this wondrous event - we very much enjoyed meeting all of you live and in person.


And special thanks to The Drum’s ’Fixer’ Shayan Sacki who was so helpful and positive on the day.


And thanks also to our videographer Telen Roswell - who captured the entirety of the proceedings - including snippets of the network for the first time.



At the top of the Innovation Briefing Page we see the Showcase features - which pull together the relevant Overview, Video, PDF and directly related resources.


This is a great way to view a snapshot of the Executive Summaries and access smartly grouped resources and materials all on one screen, 



For the first time we have Clips / Snippets of the Pre- and Interval Networking - along with full Video Recordings of the individual presentations and Q&A sessions - all in Chronological order of course.


The Videos are handily segmented so you can directly access the portion/s you are interested in. This time around there are 19 Video Recordings in total - including 8 of those around 10 second each Networking Clips.

Full References and Resources


You of course get direct access to a number of pertinent resources including the PDF's used for the presentations.


Note that Mark Forster's presentation takes the form of an Interactive / Interconnected Figma Presentation - which you can access and click through. Do have patience when clicking through that as there are a lot of screens that need to be streamed,and it can take a while depending on your bandwidth.


Other resources you have access to include the Interactive Itinerary / Agenda - which features all the pertinent videos too, and you of course have the Collaboration Forum to follow-up on any questions you may have evolving from the event.


Finally we encourage you to reach out to the various staff members that attended - should you wish to continue one of the many dialogues that were inspired by and started at the event.



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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