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Stefan's Naturally Aspirated Blog

InPublishing AI Special Highlights

Affino AIAIInPublishingInPublishing AI SpecialInPublishing AI Webinar+-

In the recent May/June issue of InPublishing Magazine there was an extensive AI Special, featuring insights from 13 experts in the UK publishing sector, on the subject and including our own CEO Markus Karlsson.


Following the article, there was a Webinar on the same subject areas - with pertinent experts answering the various questions from the audience.


View the full Webinar Video (1 hour 15 mins) - here


InPublishing also extracted key points from each expert - which...

Affino CEO and Founder Markus Karlsson shares his AI Expertise as part of InPublishing's AI Special

Affino AIAIAI Product DevelopmentInPublishingInPublishing AI SpecialInPublishing AI WebinarInPublishing Webinar+-

So our good friends at InPublishing - James and Martin decided to do an extensive take on AI - featuring leading exponents and experts of that new frontier from across 13 companies no less. And of course our illustrious leader Markus features in said AI Special - where the allocated subject was ’Using AI for new product development". Which actually really neatly dovetails into our own experiences and expertise.


All these individual insights come from a learning perspective - that others ...

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