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The Affino Customer Ladder - a visual addendum

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Affino Customer Ladder Button Badges

I was required to do some reference visuals for the soon-to-be-released ’Affino Customer Ladder’ - particularly for the comprehensive Analytics screen. A very big part of this new experience is the ’Conversion Events’ and the various ’Badges’ that can be earnt / accrued. For the reference visuals, there were a couple of badge highlights elements that needed to be rendered, and as such I needed some Affino Button Badges. This is what I have been doing over the last day or so!


The difficulty is coming up with an appropriate aspirational / reward / award status Icon that transcends the occasional ordinariness of the task. The badges had to be visually appealing and symbolic, whilst conveying the right feeling of ’Status’. Here follows a brief explanation of the rationale for the creation and purpose of each; some are immediately obvious, others a little more abstract. The main point though is that this collection beautifully illustrates the workings of the Affino Customer Ladder. The buttons are arranged by spectrum colour sequence!:


Collaborator - Badge awarded to ’Team-worker’ User, someone who contributes content to Groups, or posts replies to User Help Forum

Communicator - Badge awarded for Form Filling - User receives badge for filling in specified Form/s

Networker - Badge awarded to User for making defined number of ’Friends’ / ’Contacts’ on the site, compare with Connector, which is more about external connections

Follower - Badge awarded to User who subscribes to defined number of Content Subscriptions / Feeds / Newsletters, or follows defined number of Companies on Online Social Directory

Scholar - Badge awarded to User for scholarly activities - reading a lot of articles, and taking a certain amount of tests

Connector - Badge awarded to Super Networker - someone who invites a set number of Users onto the site (reference point for ’Connector’ is Macolm Gladwell’s ’The Tipping Point’)

Collector - Badge awarded to User who downloads a defined number of reference materials from your site

Opinion Leader - Badge awarded to Super Contributor - someone who contributes a defined high number of articles

Joker - Does anyone recall ’It’s a Knockout’? A Joker Badge is assigned to a specific task in an ’Easter-Egg’ like manner - filling out a certain form, taking specified test etc. Joker will always lead to some kind of User Reward - discount etc.

Full Member - Badge awarded to User for completing Registration

Shopper - Badge awarded to User who buys from you a defined amount of times

Micro Blogger - Badge awarded to User who posts a defined numbet of Micro Blogs / Updates / Tweets on the site

Blogger - Badge awarded to User who posts a defined number of Blogs

Critic - Badge awarded to User who makes a high defined number of Comments and Ratings on your site

Keymaster - Badge awarded to User who logs into your site a defined amount of times

Commenter - Badge awarded to User who makes defined amount of Comments and / or Ratings on your site

Promoter - Badge is awarded for User who applies Social Bookmarks and / or uses eCards a defined number of times

Explorer - Not to be confused with the Magnifying Glass of ’Evaluator’, the Explorer Badge is awarded to a User who makes a defined number of Site Searches

Loyal Customer - Badge awarded to Regular-Return Customer - someone who buys from you a defined frequency of times - higher accolade than ’Shopper’ obviously

Evaluator - Badge awarded to User who reads a defined number of articles on the site


Photo Contributor - Badge awarded to User who contributes picture-based media

Poster - Badge awarded to user who posts to Message Board or Forum

Archivist - Badge awarded to User who downloads a large number of reference materials from your site - higher level of Collector

Contributor - Badge awarded to User who contributes written article content - e.g. Review, or Event


Correspondent - Badge awarded to User who sends out defined number of Messages


Media Contributor - Badge awarded to User who contributes Video or Audio content

Enthusiast - Badge awarded to User who logs in on your site a lot, and spends significant time on your site 


Ace - High level Badge awarded for high level task completion; e.g. ’Acing’ a specified Test

VIP - High level Badge awarded to select premium level Users


Advocate - The highest step on the Customer Ladder, this is the Black American Express Card - awarded to Users who have completed defined tasks and accumulated defined number of activity points


NOTES - this is just a sample selection - of course you can make up whatever Badges for your site that you want; I have updated the selection to 30, which should suffice for our purposes for now - The important thing here is to have your badges in context, be fun, and be collectable

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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