It has become fairly commonplace for me nowadays to witness and experience the absolute nadir of customer service on almost a weekly basis. I have recalled in various ’The Death of Service’ articles on this site - how businesses are offloading more and more customer services, and liability and responsibility for that matter onto the customer. A great case in point is how airports are increasingly asking customers to check-in their own luggage themselves - which totally removes duty of care and responsibility from the airline for ensuring said baggage gets onboard or reaches its destination safely and securely! The same has for a long time been the case at any typical supermarket - we are increasingly at the mercy of DIY Customer Service.
I’ve also been at a post office counter not long ago when I was advised to go home to ring customer services where staff refused to release a package that I had paid all fees on - they could not and would not contact any one from the floor! And yesterday I experienced another indecent incident at my 3rd or 4th officially assigned ’Local’ TSB Branch - which of course isn’t really that local to me at all!
Since the start of the year the hours of coverage at Baker Street have already been reduced to 10:00 to 15:00 and it was only when arriving at the branch yesterday that I was informed that those premises would be wholly closing down in May, actually May 4th to be exact. Strange that I had not received any form of notification about this change to my service provision - where I've been passed from pillar to post ever since I was shunted from Lloyds into TSB some years ago - I believe Baker Street is/was the 4th Branch I had been officially assigned to - the previous 3 obviously long since shut down by now.
I don't have an issue with the branch closing per se - as I use bank branches very rarely and am wholly in favour of streamlining an operation if its level of use doesn't justify that certain element as a going concern. My beef is entirely with the manner of closure - the somewhat subterfuge of it - and the fact that while the branch is in theory supposedly 'open' until May 4th, it has deliberately been rendered inoperative!
There were plenty of staff onsite during my visit, while the management had decided to entirely shut down all counter services for the remaining months. Staff were instead milling about explaining to shocked 'customers' that the shuttered counters were a deliberate move to get customers used to not having access to said branch - fully 4 months ahead of its official shutdown.
I was advised that if I wanted counter service I should head for the nearest post office. The Branch Manager could not understand why I was upset about these sudden changes to my service provision and tried to assure me that there had indeed been no reduction of service at TSB as far as he was concerned!
Like I said - I really don't mind that said branch is shutting down and that hereon in I need to rely on post office counters or take myself to the Cheapside or Hammersmith branches. What really gets me is when I'm at a business premises requesting typical and nominal customer service - and there are plenty of staff on-hand - I really don't expect to be directed somewhere else off-premises. All the notices say that branch is open from 10:00 to 15:00 - while it's not really properly open at all!
It's somewhat bizarre that a Bank that was relaunched as being Service Focused and 'The Local Bank' is now nothing of the sort! This is another case where I'm totally flabbergasted as to what gets regarded as acceptable practice these days. Stores like M&S and John Lewis used to pride themselves on customer service - while the only place recently I've seen any evidence of proper gracious reach-out customer service is at Fortnum and Masons - during a pre-Christmas browse - and no I don't shop there regularly - I just pop my head in a couple of times a year or so.
You often hear the phrase 'an erosion of standards' and that seems to be more and more what is happening now throughout society and particularly in these isles. And it's a lot worse than a somewhat laissez faire attitude - these businesses really don't care for their customers any more (literally and figuratively!), and treat us all as callously as certain dishonourable and morally vacuous politicians have come to do!
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