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2024 Affino Innovation Briefing Showcase Features and Resources are now live on

Affino Innovation BriefingAffino Innovation Briefing 2024Innovation Briefing 2024

Thank you to everyone who made it to our live event last Wednesday. We really love our new St Martin’s Hall venue - and we’re looking to make that our regular spot for these events.

Beautifully centrally located right on Trafalgar Square with exceptions facilities, amenities and catering - we all most certainly loved it. Interesting to know that Amnesty International and The Big Issue were founded from within the same complex!


Mostly because of the threat of Tube strikes and uncertainty ...


Affino’s Annual Innovation Briefing Event is taking place at the St. Pancras Meeting Rooms, Derbyshire House, St Chad’s St, London WC1H 8AG, UK. In the heart of the King’s Cross area of London, and not far from Coal Drops Yard and the two main stations. In fact just across and on the other side of the Marylebone Road [See Map]. King’s Cross St. Pancras Station is served by 5 Tube Lines - Circle, Hammersmith & City, Metropolitan, Piccadilly, Northern and Victoria.


The Theme for this year...

Full Coverage of the Affino Innovation Briefing 2022 now Live on

AffinoAffino Innovation BriefingAffino Innovation Briefing 2022New Revenue Horizons+-
2022 Affino Innovation Briefing

We’re delighted to report that Full Coverage and all pertinent resources for the recent November 17th Affino Innovation Briefing are now Live on the Affino Innovation Briefing Page. [Site Registration and Login required]


So for all of you who were unable to make it on the day you now have the entirety of that event at your fingertips - including additional resources as covered below.


For those of you who attended - we thank you for your time, and we welcome you to recap and reminisce on...

Full Coverage of November 25th's Affino Innovation Briefing now Live on

AffinoAffino Innovation BriefingCharity DigitalTHe DrumThe Drum LabsTTG+-
November 2021 Affino Innovation Briefing

We would like to thank everyone who made the trek to The Drum Labs in Shoreditch last Thursday. It is the first time we’ve seen many of you face-to-face for a good couple fo years. Inevitably numbers were of course down on previous years, with a significant number who were unable to attend on the week owing to the evolving pandemic, Everyone who did turn up was in rare form - and the atmosphere was incredibly congenial throughout - a real pleasure to meet you all again.


The Affino ...

Access all the Resources from the Affino Innovation Briefing on a Single Contextual Page

Affino EventsAffino Innovation BriefingEvents Awards & DirectoriesKeynote Address+-

If you missed last Thursday’s Affino annual keynote event, or simply wish to recap or reminisce - then you will find all the resources and original presentations on the Affino Innovation Briefing page - in different formats. You can access the page via the SERVICES drop-down menu in the navigation. This will only be visible to logged-in users! Meaning that all who wish to access these resources need to be Registered and logged in.


There are 4 main segments to the page ...

The Affino Innovation Briefing 2021 Event takes place online, next Thursday, the 25th of March

Affino EventsAffino Innovation BriefingAffino Innovation Briefing 2021Events Awards & Directories+-
Affino Innovation Brefing

Affino’s Innovation Briefings have been a regular annual occurrences over the last several years - where we take customers and prospects through the Affino Platform development and service highlights for the past year. Covid alas kind of disrupted the schedule for 2020, and so we we find ourselves doing our annual review at the end of March this year instead - a sort of Spring refresher.


For the last few years we’ve taken over a wing of the One Alfred Place building just ...

Affino Innovation Briefing Wednesday 27th November 2019 - Actionable Intelligence

Actionable IntelligenceAffinoAffino BriefingAffino Briefing 2019Affino Innovation BriefingAffino Unified Digital Business PlatformDrewry+-

Many thanks to all those who attended our annual briefing event yesterday - we had a healthy turn-out at One Alfred Place yet again, and the sun shone on the Store Street Room as in previous years. Special thanks go to our Master of Ceremonies CCO Jonathan Collins, and principal speakers - James Harley, Head of Marketing at Drewry Shipping Consultancy, and of course our CEO Markus Karlsson - who appeared in that order.


The approximate agenda times shifted somewhat to roughly the ...

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