This article was prompted by the various media partner negotiations and meetings Affino always gets involved in at the start of each calendar year - setting out the marketing objectives and targeting activities for the year. My experience of this is drawn from many years of active service - and particularly from my advertising agency days of yore - overall some 30 years in total. Where the agency I worked for was responsible for some truly innovative media strategies - many of which still seem a touch alien to some publishers - a good 30 years later on!
The Great Wall of China Methodology / Analogy is all about sustaining momentum and continuity in marketing - where you cluster together your marketing activities into a chain of highly contextual and sequential and flowing events. The idea being that you are endeavouring to build the most impactful and symbolic monument that sustains interest over an extended period - and which can be seen from Space eventually!
It's about putting all your marketing bricks into the same wall, rather than ending up with lots of disparate piles of rubble - or having a massive cluster rather than wholly individual stand-alone elements. That's why Affino is rarely interested in any one singular element - we want to be involved in a clustered chain of activities rather - which impacts the target audience / prospects on numerous consequential occasions.
Whenever you target an individual or organisation - your timing may not coincide close enough with budget availabilities or business and operational seasonalities. So you need to capture and extend the interest of your target audience over a longer period - and until such a time that they have all their ducks in a row as such - and they're able to finally pull the trigger.
Within the advertising industry we often talk of OTS or 'Opportunities to See' - and how you can add impact and extend that in the most optimal fashion. You need multiple sequential impacts typically to get the audience interested - or 'on-the-hook' as it were, and several more to fully be aable to convert them into a paying customer.
Individual activities are all too quickly lost into the aether and limited to just one attempt at conversion - where we know that a more continuous and gradual process is required. This is in part also about sustaining marketing momentum - such that you hold the interest of your target audience for long enough for them to be fully persuaded.
This is why Agencies always work on the basis of long-term campaigns with multiple and sustained impact points. So it's not just about doing or attending a single event - it's about being mentioned during the preliminaries and initial announcements - in the lead up to said event, various concurrent impacts during the event, and extensive follow-up afterwards to ensure anyone you did manage to snag on your hook - stays hooked!
So with the Great Wall of China - that is symbolic of a far-reaching and enduring monument - with maximum visibility and impact. We at Affino often bemoan the short-term nature of so many events - where you really only get any significant action during the short course or duration of the event. While that think-space really needs to be expanded and extended. I see it as somewhat similar to the typical teaching methodology of Universities - where you have the one main lecture on a specific tiopic, but then several consequent tutorials and follow-up discussions as to how that core material is best applied within the wider context - a sort of process of repetition, amplification affirmation and rationalisation.
When we (Affino) seek media alliances - we seek for those to be extended impact types of clustered activities - where what precedes and follows is really just as important as the main event. In fact in terms of a proper Campaign - it should all be exactly the same sort of things as that long chain of assembly that is the figurative and literal Great Wall of China!
Lots of publishers and media companies will try to sell you a 'package' of disparate elements - an onsite ad, advertorial, event attendance etc. - while all those individual elements are rather stand-alone in nature, and not really properly interconnected. To us that doesn't really constitute a proper package at all. We need a cluster of joined-up activities which sustain interest and dialog over an extended period - ideally over many weeks, months or a year even if possible.
Mostly when we are contacted, but not always, we're approached with very generic packages - quite divorced from our own specific campaign needs, topics and themes. What we want to do is to naturally and organically dovetail into an existing bank of editorial materials focusing on our key topic area/s for the year. We're not looking to take control of or hijack the editorial direction - but those content streams as such really need to be in place for us to slipstream them and gain traction with the same interested audience.
Everything we try to do is strategic and targeted towards very specific goals. For sure we can be opportunistic at times - but those opportunities need to occur within the appropriate context - in order to be worthwhile. Back in my Advertising days - we always built bespoke media packages per the strategic aims of that brand - and while publishers may not have seasonal or themed issues - they should still certainly have properly organised and themed topic streams for brands to engage with those audiences in the most salient and contextual manner!
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