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Drewry Website Visual Guide

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Drewry Homepage

Picture-based overview of the Affino-Powered Drewry Shipping Consultancy Website

Visual Showcase of how to best roll out a High Value Affino-powered Subscriptions Site

A blow-by-blow rundown of how Drewry makes best use of Affino to harness its Maritime Shipping Sector

Drewry is the leading global independent provider of research and consulting services to the maritime and shipping industry, employing over 100 professionals across an international network of offices in London, Delhi, Singapore and Shanghai. And regularly cited by the world’s major news media,


Superbly marshalled by Head of Marketing and Business Development - James Harley - Drewry has long been a flagship Affino implementation. It smartly combines Expertise with Experience and Collateral to produce one of the most successful Subscriptions models in the Professional Services sector.


The end products of all that market intelligence and expertise are a series of high value reports, forecasts and indices which can be subscribed to in individual streams, along with lead generation for Drewry’s advisory and services teams. 


This is supported by a raft of freely available services, and a rich programme of events.


Anyone looking into providing high value subscriptions can learn a lot from the Drewry / Affino way of doing such!



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Segmented + Targeted Navigation

Drewry Navigation

An elegantly segmented and targeted Navigation gets you exactly where you need to be with the least amount of effort.

About Drewry - Expertise

About Drewry

One of the three essential Drewry pillars is Expertise, alongside of course its many Category Experts and their valuable Reports and Intelligence. We often talk about Professional Service Credentials being a combination of Enterprise, Expertise and Evidence!


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Experience / Case Studies

Drewry Experience

Of course what Drewry customers are after are the most detailed and precise Case Studies, Reports, Forecasts and Indices - which all combine to form the Sector's Business Intelligence.


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About Drewry - Industry Experts

Drewry Industry Experts

Any business is only as good as its staff - and Drewry have well seasoned industry experts across the key operation categories, and in every major territory.


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Expertise and Experience Credentials

Drewry Expertise and Experience

Each Expert is listed with their Credentials - areas of Expertise and Influence, and any Works, Reports, and Projects they are involved in. Every element of intelligence is married up to one or more Experts - and all pertinent details are listed together on the same screen. This is still relatively rare in the grander scaler of things - where a lot of content can be fairly anonymous. Here everything is neatly joined together in a seamless flow of Market Sector Intelligence.


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About Drewry - Heritage

Drewry Heritage

There's a few Affino sites out there now with Historical Timelines - while Drewry were the first to institute this - shoring up their long-term provenance and impact.


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Sector - Container Shipping

Drewry Container Shipping Sector

Every area of the Maritime Shipping Industry is broken down into individual Sector streams - of which Container Shipping is one of the more significant ones. Each Sector connects together pertinent Sector Experts and their Research and Output.


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Market Indices and Trackers

Drewry Market Indices and Trackers

Benchmark Charts and Indices are essential for every type of business and are a key Intelligence Metric for doing business. Drewry provides extensive resources for this statistical discipline.


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World Container Index

Drewry World Container Index

Of all of the Market Indices and Trackers - the World Container Index is one of the most significant.


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Research Reports


The core of the Drewry Subscriptions business is really in the regularly updated key segment research reports which customers pay repeat fees to access.


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Drewry Resources

There are a number of free resources and briefings on the site available to all who register. This includes market opinions, updates and logistics executive briefings.


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Resources - Martime Financial Reports

Drewry Martime Financial Report

We've touched before on the variety of Reports, Briefings and Metrics that Drewry produce - and here we have a specific example of Maritime Financial Research Reports.


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Thought Leadership

Drewry's Thought Leadership

Publishing strategic articles which connect with like-minded individuals are an essential means of drawing potential customers in and taking a leading influential position within the industry. Forward seeking businesses need to underline their authority and expertise with insightful intelligence on where things are moving to next.


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Latest Opinion Pieces

Latest Drewry Opinion Pieces

Alongside Thought Leadership, sharing current opinions on what is happening within the industry and why, and what might be done to improve things further - is another essential area that progressive businesses need to participate in, Much like with Thought Leadership - you are shaping your environment and calling the shots essentially to a large degree - you need to be seen to be inside of all the key decisions that are taking place.


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Market Forecasts

Drewry Market Forecasts

These are the essential revenue makers for the business - regularly updated key strategic reports which are accessed via annual subscription. Everything on the site leads to and funnels customers towards these reports - these are the essential units of products and services which power the research aspects of Drewry's business.


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News & Events

Drewry News and Events

News and Events are essential for all sites these days and Drewry generates plenty of each - with news being rather less formal, and the events somewhat more so.


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Conference Programme

Drewry Conference Programme

There is an extensive Programme of high value Conferences, Seminars and Webinars on all the same subjects as the various Content and Intelligence Streams. For such a broad global audience - webinars are playing an increasingly important part.


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Customer My Account Screen showing Active Subscriptions

Drewry Customer Accounts

And this is the result of the combined might of the site - several active paid subscriptions as seen on a customer's My Account screen - where those can be actively managed.



Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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