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Business Reporter's Website is rapidly launched on Affino's elegant new Smart Cloning approach

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Business Reporter Launch

Lyonsdown's Business Reporter rapidly deployed on Affino via Smart Cloning Methodology

Lyonsdown has two sites up on Affino in rapid succession

Affino's Smart Cloning approach drives rapid rollout of brand portfolios

As reported recently Affino, Lyonsdown and JCA jointly evolved a new system of rapidly rolling out brand and product websites for the same brand portfolio using a new cloning approach, smartly adapting the core structure of an existing sibling site.


The process involves creating a shared Affino Design and content Structure which can be cloned to launch new sites on within the brand portfolio, having been specifically evolved for rapid assimilation by a new brand identity. So that you easily switch out key brand markers and content.


Affino had to hone its duplication and content import facilities to make this process fully viable. And the launch of Business Reporter is a great proof of concept - which should help all Affino clients roll out multiple brand sides as quickly and efficiently as is possible. Something that will be great for multi-brand strategies with similar structures but distinct branding and audiences.

About Business Reporter

Founded in 2006, Business Reporter is one of the leading business-to-business information providers in the world. Their special interest campaigns seek to educate business leaders through a combination of client content, events, and broadcast quality films.


The Business Reporter site is the second site to have launched on Affino for Lyonsdown, it is a premium supplement brand where they contract publish supplements to The Times, Telegraph etc.


This project differed from most conventional Affino multi-site rollouts as it is a clone of the teiss site which launched on Affino in December 2021. The Affino Design and Build team spent a few days restyling, tweaking the taxonomy, and navigation. And the Lyonsdown team imported and repurposed the content, both the Affino and Lyonsdown teams worked together to streamline the newly cloned site and it launched in February 2022.


It serves a registered and Affino Audience CRM maintained user base in excess of 55,000 users.


Affino integrated the teiss site with a seamless sign-up to the BigMarker platform - such that their audiences could more easily attend and participate in teiss and Business Reporter Webinar Events, as well as providing a new Event sign up user journey in Affino that was built into our offering so that all Affino Clients can avail themselves of this seamless Event sign up user journey.


Crucially, registered users can now one-click sign up to Business Reporter events when registered and logged in.

SupplyChain Talk


A key part of the Business Reporter experience is the SupplyChain Talk series of events. SupplyChain Talk is an online supply chain talk show with new episodes each week for senior supply chain executives.


It was critical that we make the signup journey as frictionless as possible, something which we delivered on with streamlined journeys for new and returning users.

White Papers


Business Reporter's White Papers library is a key revenue stream and business driver - where essential White Papers make it easy for users to download and give permission to share their details with clearly identified sponsors.


Full Fidelity Zero and First Party Data

Crucial to the success of the new Business Reporter experience is that it has full delivery and data capture across all devices with no third party cookie related issues and a seamless user experience for all.


This results in a greatly improved quality and quantity of audience engagement and demographic data, and zero disruption with any user's journey.


If you are looking to migrate multiple brands to the next generation in web experiences simply get in touch and we'll set up a Zoom call to take you through what's possible with Affino's future-ready services.

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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