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Achieve More with a Fully Connected CRM at the Heart of your Digital Platform

Audience CRMautomationBusiness ProcessesContact CaptureCRMPersonalisationProcess AutomationResourceSales Leads ManagementTargetingUnified Business PlatformWorkflows+-

Most business owners are already fully clear on how critical a CRM solution is for the running of a contemporary business. Many are not aware though of how much manual work and maintenance is required to support a typical CRM - something along the lines of Salesforce for instance.


A typical CRM deployment nowadays consists of significant customisation and integration work, just to get the CRM to connect or ’talk’ with your other critical business solutions. Salesforce can be a great solution for many companies, but it requires significant investment and has sizeable ongoing overheads.


For The Affino Unified Digital Business Platform, its CRM sits at the heart of the system, is already fully-integrated with all key business activities and gives you instant and broad overview of those activities. In the last 18 months we’ve further refined and evolved the CRM, taking on more business processes and workflows and cementing all those into the core inner workings of the system.


You may be familiar with the phrase ’Single Customer View’ - and that is exactly what Affino gives you - a single screen overview per customer of all their activities - interactions and transactions with you. Affino wholly manages customer engagements, and Affino’s Automated Customer Ladders gives you unprecedented levels of customer tracking, incentivisation and reward - with some 60 Conversion Events - right across the spectrum of engagement.


Affino offers not only Sales and Marketing Automation, but business workflows and processes automation - all seamlessly tied into the central CRM - all feeding in data and intelligence automatically, and carrying out such tasks as smart contact capture and sales leads management.


There are numerous benefits in deploying a Fully Connect CRM Solution like Affino, including less maintenance, lower overheads, and these three in particular:



Better Targeting / Business Intelligence


When you have a complete overview of All your customers’ activities, alongside their topic preferences, you can much more accurately and successfully target their needs and provide the appropriate content and related relevant services.


More Personalisation


Affino’s solution architecture combines with business intelligence gathered to wholly shape the customer experience. If you want to, each screen of your site can appear unique to each customer based on security, topic and other filters assigned via personal preferences as well as patterns of behaviour.


Incredible Automation


With a fully connected system you can achieve unprecedented levels of automation. You already have all the pipelines and workflows in place, you just need to choose how to apply them. No solution comes close to offering the scale and scope of process automation - that Affino already has ready-made and on-tap!

Stefan Karlsson
Posted by Stefan Karlsson
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